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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 12:30:37 -0600
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
text/plain (288 lines)
Dear colleague,

Find enclosed information concerning the 3rd. Latin American & Caribbean
Symposium of ICASE.  It is composed of a Symposium Folder, Sessions
Format and Registration Forms.  Even if any doubt remains, please get in
touch by means of our e-mail address:

[log in to unmask]

Further information about the 3rd. Symposium and any up-dates can be
obtained by checking the University of Parana Home Page at:

We hope to see you here in Brazil in 1999!
Best regards,
Steering Committee


Curitiba - Parana - Brazil
October 4th to 8th 1999
(Opening ceremonies:  October 3rd 1999 evening)

Promoting Scientific and Technological Culture for All in the 21st
Project 2000+

In a world of increasing change in science and technology it is
fundamental to re-think the activity of educators as facilitator agents
to convey knowledge in different cultures and environments.  Scientific
and technological development demand further competency and abilities
from all people to deal with citizenship.  How can science education
prepare citizens for the challenges of the 21st century?

Pre-service and/or inservice teacher education
A.1. Role of universities in pre-service training and inservice
A.2. Role of Science Museums & Science Centres
A.3. Labour force, corporations & Science Education
A.4. Science and media

Nature of science and technology literacy
B.1. Knowledge theories
B.2. Ideas from history & sociology
B.3. Ethical & Logical aspects
B.4. Understanding science education policies

Effective teaching strategies in scientific and technological literacy
C.1. Teaching, learning and research
C.2. Assessment and evaluation
C.3. Appropriate curriculum for STL

Frontiers of Knowledge
D.1. Contemporary Science Topics


Museu de CiÍncias Naturais / SBPC - PR
P. O.: 19031
Zip Code: 81531-990
Curitiba - Pr - Brazil
Phone: +55 41 366 3144 Ext. 232
Fax: +55 41 266 2042
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Stress the importance of scientific and technological literacy for all
Promote basic science & technological education at all school levels;
Share world trends in innovative approaches in teaching / learning of
science; Establish guidelines for in-service training  for science
teachers; Discuss policies and philosophies to Science Education and
Science Educators.

Rates are as following:

Registration with Submission of Abstracts:  Until 03 March 1999 $30/$80
Registration Without Submission of Abstracts:  From 03 June 1999 to 03
August 1999 $40/$90; From 04 August 1999 to 02 October 1999 $50/$100;
During Symposium $70/$120

1-Undergraduate students, primary & secondary school teachers from
public schools.
2- University staff and others

Material should be sent in an envelope including:  3.5 disk containing
the abstract in Word for Windows 6.0 or 7.0 with author's last name.
Use one disk for each abstract.  Two copies of the printed abstract on
A4 sheet, Times New Roman size 12, single space between lines. Top
margin 3 cm, lower 2 cm, right side 2 cm and left side 3 cm; Abstract
display:  centered title in the first line, letter size 15, bold capital
letter.  Two lines below first author's name, centralized letter size 13
bold lower case.  Next line name of your institution and address no more
than two lines letter size 10.  Leave a blank line the same procedure
applies to others authors.  Two lines below the content of abstract with
no more than 300 words in a single paragraph including objectives,
methods, results, and conclusion.  A sealed return envelope with the
first author's address; Filled registration form:  fill up one form for
every abstract (enclosed); Each forms for the registration of one person
only; Receipt of registration deposit in Bank of Brazil; agency 31284-4,
to  SBPC ICASE, account number 10999-1.

Registration fees will not be refunded for any reasons.  No replacements
or reviews will be accepted in the abstracts.  Tables, graphics,
references and pictures should not be included.  Every abstract will be
reviewed by a Scientific Commission.  The content of abstracts must be
related to the Symposium's themes.  The number of author's per abstract
will be limited by four.  Every author is allowed to contribute a
maximum of 3 abstracts, either as first author or second/third author,
with the benefit of only one registration.  Abstracts will be accepted
in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

Deadline for submission proposals will be March 3rd, 1999.
Decisions from the Scientific Commission will be mailed to the first
author until May 3, 1999.

During the Symposium the official language will be Portuguese.
Contributions will be also accepted in Spanish without translation.  For
plenary sections presentations in English translation into Portuguese
will be provided.

Most visitors to Brazil do not require a visa.  Enquiries can be
directed to your travel agent or the Brazilian Consulate.

Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), Parana Branch;
Federal University of Parana (UFPR) -- Institute of Biological Sciences
& Faculty of Education; State Educational Board (SEED-PR); Municipality
Educational Board (SME); Brazilian Institute for Post-Graduates &
Extensive Activities (IBPEX)

Curitiba - Parana,  Brazil

October 04th to 08th  1999
(October 3rd, Subscriptions and Opening Session)

Image Bank of Session Formats

The intent of an Image bank is to give alternatives to the standard
papers and symposium session format.


How it works:  Symposia should provide an opportunity for a discussion
about a presented topic from a variety of perspectives.  Symposia should
present solutions, alternatives, interpretations or contrasting points
of view on a specified subject or in relation to a common theme.
Symposia may also be presented in a panel discussion format targeted at
a clearly delineated idea or issue.  Symposia will be held during the
morning or afternoon and there will be 3 presentations of 30 minutes and
10 minutes for discussion in each presentation in a total of 2 hours.


How it works:  Roundtables allow maximum interaction with the presenters
by eliminating the formal didactic presentation.  Individual presenters
are assigned numbered tables in a large meeting room where the
interested persons may gather for discussions with the presenter about
his or her project or paper.  This format of presentation is
particularly appropriate for papers addressing topics best pursued
through extensive discussion.  Author will be encouraged to bring copies
of the full papers or summaries of the presentation.  Roundtables will
be held during the morning or afternoon and there will be 3
presentations of 20 minutes and 1 hour for discussion at the end in a
total of 2 hours.

Thematic modules

How it works:  Thematic modules will be constituted of a main
conference, a minor conference and an oral communication.  This format
will allow the interaction among established presenters doing the main
conference, initiates presenters doing the minor conference and
graduation students doing the oral communication.  In this regard, the
format will allow the presentation of a main topic followed by
variations related to the main topic but presented under different
perspectives.  Every component of the module will present alternatives,
interpretation or points of view on a specific subject or related to a
common theme.  Thematic modules will be held during the morning or
afternoon and there will be a 50 minutes main conference and 10 minutes
for discussion, a 30 minutes minor conference and 10 minutes for
discussion, and a 15 minutes oral communication and 5 minutes for
discussion in a total of 2 hours.


How it woks:  One or more presenters will focus on a educational tool
(e.g. new software, a computer based simulation, a specific method of
teaching, etc.) and run it through its paces, often including some
hands-on time for participants.  The presentation may include references
to some complete research, but the intent of the session is to
demonstrate the tool, not submit the research to critiques.
Demonstrations will be held during the morning or afternoon and there
will be 1 or more related presentations in a total of 2 hours available
to the presenter(s) to organise it.


How it works:  Learning-by-doing will occupy most of the session;
didactic presentations are brief.  Adequate time for reflective
discussion should be available.  The purpose of workshops is to
familiarise participants with some aspect of research or teaching
practice, so that questioning and discussion are suitably informed.
Workshops will be held during the afternoons and there will be 1 or more
organisers in a total of 3 hours.


How it works:  Courses should be related to a general sub-theme (so, not
as specific as a symposium) and the aim is to provide information,
formation and actualization to the participants about the topic to be
presented.  The topic should be presented in a logic sequence of four
presentations (1 each day of the symposium) of 50 minutes with one or
more presenters which could show historic data, concepts, and relevant
literature data about the topic and give some time for discussion of
contradictory points of view.


How it works:  Conferences should allow the presentation of full papers
or researches of a established research group which show the main stream
of research or allow the establishment of new concepts on a specific
theme.  Conferences will be held at the end of morning or afternoon and
there will be a 50 minutes main conference and 10 minutes for discussion
in a total of 1 hour.


How it works:  Posters sessions combine the graphic display of materials
with the opportunity for individualised, informal discussion of the
research throughout the 2 hours session.  Detailed instruction on
preparation of the materials will be enclosed for presenters in time.
Presenters must set up the display at the beginning of the day allowing
the public visitation and remove it promptly at the end of the session,
as well as have copies of papers or summaries available


1 Abstract Title
2 First Author  (last surname)  (first name)  (middle initials)
3 - Degree:
PhD/M. Sc/B. Sc/Undergraduate Student/PhD Student/MSC Student/Other
School, Phone #, Address, Zip Code #, Fax #, E-mail address

Use short forms for all your personal data filling the blanks bellow.
This information will be printed in the event catalogue.

4 List other authors if any:

5 Your presentation will require any equipment? Check bellow:
Slide Projector/VCR (VHS Format)/Other (please specify)/Overhead
6 What kind of session your presentation fits in? Select by numerical
order your preference:  Symposium/Poster Session/Congress
Course/Thematic Module/Demonstration/Hands-on Course/Oral Communication
7 Target:  Elementary School (k1 - k8)/Secondary School (k9 -
k12)/Undergraduate Courses/Special Education/Other
8 Sub-Themes (Check only one):
9 Forms of payment:
Draw a Bank Check for "SBPC ICASE"
Bank of Brazil, Checkink
Agency # 3184-4         Account # 10999-1
10 I Certify that this abstract was not presented in any meeting nor
published in any form elsewhere. Once accepted and included in the event
catalogue I will do my best to be there to present it to the meeting

(The Sponsoring institutions will not be able to pay for any expenses as
trip fares, food & board etc.)

Be sure to include all material before sending your submission.