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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 15:50:11 -0700
text/plain (58 lines)
> From: Erin McLeary <[log in to unmask]>
> University of Pennsylvania
> Please excuse the cross-posting.
> Call for Papers
> Second Annual Mid-Atlantic Conference in the History of Science,
> Medicine, and Technology
> A conference by and for graduate students interested in the history of
> science, broadly understood
> University of Pennsylvania, August 6-8, 1999
> Dear Colleagues:
> We in the History and Sociology of Science Department at the University
> of Pennsylvania invite you to join us at a conference of graduate
> students interested in the history of science, medicine, technology, and
> environmental history.  The purpose of this conference is to foster
> collegial interaction among the graduate students of the many fine
> programs in the history of science (broadly understood) in this region,
> and to provide a forum for constructive and supportive critique of each
> other's work.
> To encourage social as well as scholarly interaction, MAC will open on
> Friday, August 6 with a welcoming reception for attendees.   Saturday,
> August 7, and the morning of Sunday, August 8, will be devoted to paper
> presentations and "working sessions" of pre-circulated works longer
> than the typical conference paper, such as articles-to-be or dissertation
> chapters.  Paper presentations will be 20-25 minutes.  Each "working
> session" will be one hour, and will consist of a 20-30 minute
> presentation by the author with the remainder of the time devoted to
> discussion.
> Following the precedent established by the 1998 MAC organizers at Johns Hopkins University, we will strive to make this conference as productive and as inexpensive as possible for all participants.  We will make an effort to house attendees with local graduate students, and some meals will be provided.
> DEADLINES:  Abstracts of no more than 300 words (for a paper
> presentation) or no more than 500 words (for a working session) may be submitted electronically to:
> [log in to unmask]
> or by mail to:
> A. Wolfe
> Mid-Atlantic Conference Organizing Committee
> History and Sociology of Science Department
> University of Pennsylvania
> 249 S. 36th St., Logan 303
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304.
> ABSTRACTS ARE DUE BY MAY 14.   Please specify "paper" or "working
> session."
> For more information and the program for MAC '98, see our website at: