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Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 11 Apr 2016 09:06:36 -0400
text/plain (51 lines)
Dear ISHPSSB Listserv Subscribers,

As Secretary of ISHPSSB, I would like to announce the Spring ISHPSSB
newsletter (online at There is quite a lot of
news to share, as you can see in the newsletter table of contents
below, including a newly-launched website for the upcoming São Paulo
2017 ISHPSSB meeting.

1) President's Report

2) Two 2016 ISHPSSB Off-­year Workshops (**Note: The application
deadline for the "Function and Malfunction" workshop has been extended
to April 15.**)

3) Toward the 2017 ISHPSSB Meeting (Note: conference website launched!

4) Call for Proposals to Host the 2019 and 2021 Meetings (Note:
Replies requested by May 31, 2016)

5) In Memoriam: William Provine

6) In Memoriam: Eric H. Davidson

7) Call to Organize an ISHPSSB Session at the 2016 Philosophy of
Science Association Meeting

8) Appendix: Results from a Survey of the ISHPSSB Members, by
Chantelle Marlor, Michelle Riedlinger, and Aaron Penner

As always, you can reach me about all things ISH-related at
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Thank you,

Sean Valles
ISHPSSB Secretary

Sean A. Valles
Assistant Professor
Lyman Briggs College and Dept. of Philosophy
Michigan State University
Holmes Hall, 919 E. Shaw Lane, Room W25-C
East Lansing, MI 48825
(517) 884-0592
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