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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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"Christian C. Young" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 16 Feb 1997 16:49:27 -0600
text/plain (88 lines)
A special offer for ISHPSSB!  (The ISHPSSB board has approved this offer.)

Lightbinders and ISHPSSB are pleased to make the following exclusive
offer to teachers of Darwin, evolution, and the history/philosophy of

Lightbinders has recently finished the second edition of _The
Darwin Multimedia CD-ROM_, (list price $49.95, ISBN:
1-889175-01-3). This remarkable disk is an integrated compilation of the
major works of Charles Darwin:  _The Origin of Species_, _The Voyage
of the Beagle_, _The Descent of Man_, _The Expression of Emotion in Man and
Animals_, The monograph on the Cirripedia, and _The Structure and
Distribution of Coral Reefs_. It also contains a selection of
many of the lesser-known works, which can be difficult for even the most
devoted Darwinian to obtain. Never before have these rare titles been
presented together, let alone integrated by extensive cross-reference

Also included is the acclaimed _Triumph of the Darwinian
Method_, written by renowned Darwin expert (and ISHPSSB member)
Dr. Michael T. Ghiselin, and a video in which Sir David Attenborough
narrates an appeal for the restoration and preservation of Down House,
Darwin's residence.

The _Darwin 2nd Edition CD-ROM_ uses the multi-platform
DynaText interface, which has of extensive hyperlinks and advanced
multimedia features. The sounds of many animals, including the birds of
the Galapagos, are accessible through audio links. The maps and drawings
of the original publications have been faithfully retained, enhanced by
the beautiful illustrations of the original specimens collected by Darwin
during his historic voyage.  A description of the disc can be seen at the
Lightbinders web site (

Through The International Society for History, Philosophy, and
Social Studies of Biology, we are offering **free** copies of the
_Darwin CD-ROM_ to teachers who will evaluate it for use in
their classrooms.  Interested teachers are asked to provide their name,
school, and relevant course, and the promise they will consider the
CD-ROM as course material.  The time has come for sophisticated
technology to impact the classroom, and we want to encourage it with this
unusual offer.  Educational discounts and network licensing are

Qualified teachers can fill in the following application, print it out,
sign and mail (or fax) to Lightbinders.



Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Related Course (name, course number, when offered):

Please read and accept by signing:

"In order to receive an evaluation copy of the Darwin Multimedia CD-ROM,
2nd Edition, I state that I am currently a teacher of a course that could
benefit from improved access to the works of Charles Darwin.  I will
examine the disc in consideration of its applicability to my teaching and
will consider the disc as either recommended or required course material.
 I am under no obligations to recommend, require or promote the disc.  I
promise not to use the *evaluation* disc in the
classroom, or as a source of material for the classroom, nor will I
transfer possession of the *evaluation* disc to any
person or organization without Lightbinders' approval."

signed:                              date:

Mail or Fax To:

 Pete Goldie, Ph.D.
 Lightbinders, Inc.
 2325 Third Street - Suite 324
 San Francisco, CA  94107

* Internet: [log in to unmask]   *
* Voice: 415-621-5746    Fax: 415-621-5898  *