From: [log in to unmask] (Dr. Margarete Maurer, M.A.)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 21:45:19 +0100
Subject: CFP Symp. on "Nature", 14/15. Nov. 1997 - deadline 27. May
Conference of the AUPSA (Austrian politicl Science association) and Call
for Papers:
organized together with the Austrian UNESCO-Commission, the Austrian
Institute for International Affairs and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Institute (RLI),
DATE: 14/15 November 1997
CONFERENCE VENUE: Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Stumpergasse 56,
A-1060 Vienna, Austria/EUROPE
CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: mainly German, contributions in English possible
The basic idea of the Conference is that it becomes evident that one of the
main problems as this century closes is the concern with "nature". Concepts
of space and time, the core of physical laws, the knowledge of the
structure of organic and inorganic matters as well as scientific
methodology have been changing constantly. "Nature" has become a prime
subject of technical and economic activities. At the same time, it is also
an important aspect of arts and esthetics as well as of social controversy
and politics. However, in a period when "nature" has even become
reproducible with technical means, the notion of "nature" has lost its
clear profile. In the wake of imminent ecological dangers and the obvious
limits of global sustainability, we realize that mankind is integrated in
"nature" and its cycles.
The Conference invites an interdisciplinary scientific public to discuss
differing meanings of "nature" and its implications. Contributions from a
feminist perspective are most welcomed.
The purpose of the Conference is the attempt to find some answers and to
consider possible solutions or alternatives to the ongoing mainstream
I. Friday, 14/11/1997: Introduction of the conference issues, keynote
lecture by Gernot Boehme, Regine Kollek, Burghart Schmidt or Carolyn
Merchant (not yet confirmed)
II. Saturday, 15/11/1997: WORKSHOPS (2-6 contributions per workshop)
a) Different conceptions of "nature" in the natural and social
sciences (Convenors: Dr. Margarete Maurer, Rosa-Luxemburg-Institute,
Vienna; Dr. Mathias Weimayr, political researcher, Vienna)
b) The discourse on "nature" in the gender discussion (Convenors:
Prof.Dr. Barbara Holland-Cunz, University of Giessen; Dr. Franz Seifert,
IHS, Vienna)
c) "Human nature" between supremacy and emancipation (Convenors:
Doz.Dr. Otmar Hoell, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (AIIA),
Laxenburg; Prof. Dr. Volkmar Lauber, Senatsinstitut fuer
Politikwissenschaft, University of Salzburg)
d) "Nature" in ecological discourses (Convenor: Dr. Guenther Sandner,
University of Salz burg).
The workshops will focus mainly on controversial positions of the meaning
of "nature", the "political" implications of the specific definition of
"nature", the feministic criticism and reconstruction of concepts of
"nature", and the impact and consequences of specific meanings of "nature"
for the political, social and natural sciences.
- Doz. Dr. Otmar Hoell, AIIA, Schlossplatz 13, A-2361 Laxenburg,
phone ++43/2236/71 575-15, Fax ++43/2236/72 514
- Dr. Christian Schaller, Johannagasse 36/11, A-1050 Vienna,
phone ++43 1/547 11 92
- Dr. Margarete Maurer, Rosa Luxemburg-Institute,
Julius-Tandler-Platz 5/24, A-1090 Vienna, Fax ++43 / 1/31749291997
E-mail: <[log in to unmask]>
Feminist Studies and Women's Studies - publications, informations on:
- Technology Assessment, Cultural Studies of Technology
- Theory, History, and Social Studies of Science
- Women and Development
Frauenforschung, -bildung, -verlag
Arbeitsbereiche: Technik und Naturwissenschaft, "Dritte" Welt
RLI, Julius-Tandler-PL. 5/26
A- 1090 Wien
Austria, Europe
Fax (NUR 12-13 Uhr MEZ): +43/1/31 74 929
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