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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Print Reply
Christian C Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 22:47:03 -0600
text/plain (131 lines)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 12:41:08 +0100
From: peter taylor <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
Subject: ISHPSSB deadlines, membership, & etc.

Dear ISHPSSB members, attendees of the 1995 Leuven meetings, and ishpsb-l

1.  Apologies if you receive this message more than once or it goes to an
old email address.  Please send corrections to Barbara Horan at
[log in to unmask]

2.  Unfortunately the newsletter was mailed out late and did not include
the renewal/ membership form.  This email indicates that certain deadlines
have been extended (#4) and a renewal/ membership form is included (#5).

3.  The 1997 meetings will be held in Seattle, from the evening of
Wednesday July 16 to midday Sunday July 20.  The provisional program and
registration information will be published in the spring newsltter
(scheduled to be mailed out early in April).  For advance notice of
registration information check the Society's website,, or join the Society's email list by
sending a message to [log in to unmask] with the message:
SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L yourfirstname yourlastname

4.  Deadlines and extensions (for more information contact the people listed)
a) Session or paper proposals:  immediately
Send titles & abstracts to Bob Richardson ([log in to unmask])

b) Nominations for Council positions: immediately
To Chip Burkhardt ([log in to unmask])

c) Marjorie Grene (graduate student paper) award:  postmarked February 20th.
Send 4 copies of paper to Ron Rainger, History Department, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX 79409  USA

d) Student travel grants:  April 1st.
For students who are presenting papers and cannot get funds from other sources.
Send to Ron Rainger ([log in to unmask]) the following:
paper title and abstract, session in which paper will be given, estimate of
travel expenses, and information on whether applicant is receiving any
other assistance for travel to the meeting.  Funds are for travel only --
not daily expenses.

e) Submissions to the spring newsletter:  March 31st.
Send to Chris Young ([log in to unmask])


To join ISHPSSB or renew your membership fill out and return the form
below or the one on the Society's Website,

Existing members need to renew if the mailing label on the most recent
newsletter has 1996 or earlier on the "Dues Paid Through 19xx" part.
If you think the information in the membership files is out of
date (email addresses seem especially volatile), please provide the new

Graduate students qualify for a reduced membership fee - only $5.  Emeretus
members pay no fee.  Otherwise a one-year regular membership is $15 USD; a
two-year membership is $25 USD.

All checks must be in USD; payment by Visa/Mastercard is welcome.  Credit
card payments can be sent electronically.  (As far as we understand this is
relatively safe -- as safe as the postal service, maybe safer -- since
everything is automatically encrypted.)

Please indicate on the form if i) you want the ISHPSSB Newsletter sent to
you electronically, and ii) you want to subscribe to the Society's email
list (for monthly announcements and virtual general meetings on the year
between conferences).

Peter Taylor
ISHPSSB President

Form to join or renew membership in ISHPSSB

Return to:
Barbara Horan, ISHPSSB membership
By mail to:
Philosophy/PO Box 8023
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA   30460-8023, USA
or by e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]
Mailing address (including country):
Office Phone (include country & area codes):
Home Phone (include country & area codes):
Fax (include country & area codes):

Indicate the appropriate options with an X

Renewal.......or New member......
or Information update only (no payment)......

One year Regular membership (US $15).....
Two year Regular membership (US $25).....
One year Student membership (US $ 5).....
One year Emeritus membership (no cost).....

Emeritus members: To cover newsletter and mailing .....US $5  .....Other
All members: To support graduate student travel to ISHPSSB meetings
    Amount: US$.....

ISHPSSB Newsletter to be sent to you electronically......
Subscribe you to the Society's email list......

Payment by Check......or Credit card......

For credit card transactions:
Amount (US$)......
Credit card type: Visa...... or Mastercard......
Name as it appears on credit card:..................
Credit card number........................
Credit card expiry date......

Peter Taylor

CCACC, 8 Bishop Place, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone: 908-932-8678 (o); 8683 (fax); 908-296-7375 (home)
Email: [log in to unmask]
WWW site: