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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 14:21:46 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)
Subject:  History of Biomedical Sciences and History of Health
Date:  Fri, 4 Jan 1980 22:34:04 -0200
From:  "Núcleo de Informação em História das Ciências Biomédicas e da
Saúde" <[log in to unmask]>

The Nucleo de Informacao em Historia das Ciencias Biomedicas e da Saude
was created by the Departamento de Arquivo e Documentacao of the Casa de
Oswaldo Cruz . It consists of a system of information that collects data
institutions, researchers and research groups in the fields of History
Biomedical Sciences and History of Health. Conceived as a network, the
Nucleo stimulates the exchange of information between its participants.
Access through the Internet is available.

The Servico de Disseminacao Seletiva de Informacoes (SDI) stands out
among the services developed by the Nucleo. It provides the researcher
with information collected in  the bibliographic databases and in the
archives of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, which are considered as the most
extensive collection available in the country on the History of Public
Health and Biomedical Sciences in Latin America (especially Brazil) and
the Caribbean.  The archives comprise  textual and  audiovisual
documentation from the late XIXth century up to now.

Besides the SDI, other services are also available such as: "Boletim de
Trabalhos"- report on the academic production and on research projects
undertaken by researchers; "Informe Nucleo" – information on discussion
lists, awards, publications and labor market; "Agenda de Eventos"-
schedule of events such as Seminaries, Symposia and Congresses.

If you want to be a member of the Nucleo and to profit from free
available, not only receiving but also providing information on papers
projects of research, please contact us through one of the addresses
below and we will be glad to send you the register form.

We look forward your participation,

Paula Xavier dos Santos

Nucleo de Informacao em Historia das Ciencias Biomedicas e da Saude
Departamento de Arquivo e Documentacao/Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fundacao
Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCRUZ
Avenida Brasil, 4036 - Sala 602 - Manguinhos - CEP 21040-361 - Rio de
Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
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