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"Roberta L. Millstein" <[log in to unmask]>
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Roberta L. Millstein
Sun, 22 May 2011 11:18:57 -0700
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Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on 
how to subscribe and unsubscribe from this 

This listserv sends out brief descriptions only. 
For further details, follow the link listed.

Please send me items to post to the list that 
would be of interest to Society members: 
position announcements, postdoctoral 
announcements, grant and funding opportunities, 
conference announcements, calls for papers, and 
brief queries on research topics.  The sooner you 
send me something, the more likely that I will be 
able to have it posted before its deadline.


Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology


1. New book: Paul Lawrence Farber, Mixing Races: 
From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary 
Ideas, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. 
It "explores changing American views of race 
mixing in the twentieth century, showing how new 
scientific ideas transformed accepted notions of 
race and how those ideas played out on college 
campusues in the 1960s." 

2. New in paperback: Hitler's Ethic: The Nazi 
Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress, by Richard 
Weikart.  This book examines the role of 
evolutionary ethics in Hitler's world view, 
showing that it influenced almost every major 
facet of his thought and policies. 

3. Workshop: "Self-Organization in Biology: scope 
and limits," Aix-en-Provence, 24-25 May 2011. 
The access to the conference is free. 

4. Lyman Briggs College, an undergraduate, 
residential science program grounded in the 
liberal arts at Michigan State University, 
invites applications for a visiting instructor in 
history, philosophy, and/or sociology of science 
for the 2011-2012 academic year.  Deadline to 
ensure consideration of applications is June 1, 
2011, but review of applications will continue 
until the position is filled. 

5. Public lecture: Myles Jackson (Director of 
Science and Technology Studies, Polytechnic 
Institute of New York University), "Intellectual 
Property and Molecular Biology: Biomedicine, 
Commerce, and the CCR5 Gene Patent", Monday 13 
June, 17:30. Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul 
Building, University of York.  The event is free. 

6. Call for papers: Philosophy of Medicine 
Roundtable, November 2-3, 2011, University of the 
Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain.  Papers in 
areas of philosophy of medicine, such as 
epistemology of medicine and ontological issues 
in medicine (but NOT medical ethics), from a 
variety of philosophical approaches, are welcome. 
Deadline for abstracts: June 15, 2011. 

7. The 5th International Conference of the 
European Society for the History of Science 
(ESHS) will be held in Athens, Greece, from 
November 1 to 3, 2012. The theme of the 
conference is "Scientific cosmopolitanism and 
local cultures: religions, ideologies, 
societies".  There are various deadlines, the 
earliest of which is for symposia proposals: 
November 30, 2011. 

8. John Dupré and Sabina Leonelli seek to hire a 
Research Fellow -- a recent PhD in philosophy of 
science/biology (with possible consideration of a 
very good sociology/history candidate) -- who 
would be interested in working with them for a 
year.  Deadline for applications is June 10, 

**************************** End of announcements **************************

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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

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