Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:11:13 -0500
Ph.D. Studentship in the History of Biology:
A studentship is available in the Centre for the History of Science,
Technology and Medicine at the University of Manchester (UK) for a
three-year project leading to a Ph.D. The project will focus upon
the history of cotton research (including entomology, genetics and
plant pathology) in 20th century Britain. The student will join a
small group of students who are working with Dr. Jonathan Harwood on
the transformation of the biological sciences, ca. 1870-1940.
The studentship pays tuition fees and maintenance (initially £6650)
and will be awarded for one year in the first instance (renewable for
a further two). Starting date is negotiable. Candidates should have
a good degree in science, history, or a related subject. Postgraduate
training in history of science and a knowledge of biology would be an
advantage. Applicants should send a letter of application,
curriculum vitae, and the names of two referees as soon as possible
to Jonathan Harwood, CHSTM, Maths Tower, University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, UK.
Inquiries to Jonathan Harwood via email ([log in to unmask])
or telephone [(44)(161) 275-5923] or FAX: [(44)(161) 275-5699].
For general information see the Departmental website: