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Christian C Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Sep 1997 13:06:15 -0500
text/plain (150 lines)
------------ Forwarded Message EIGHT begins here ------------
From: "Thomas Soederqvist" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 1997 10:54:31 +0100
Subject: Call for papers: Historiography of Recent Science, Technology an


Second International Conference:


Roskilde University (Denmark), August 19-23, 1998

The history of recent science, technology and medicine (STM) is a
rapidly expanding and highly cross-disciplinary area that engages
scholars in fields such as philosophy of science, sociology of STM,
social studies of scientific knowledge (SSK), and general history of
science, technology and medicine itself. The area also attracts a
growing number of science journalists, and has the attention of
practicing scientists.

The first international conference devoted to problems in the
historiography of recent STM was organized in Gothenburg, Sweden
in 1994 (see _The Historiography of Contemporary Science and
Technology_, T. Soderqvist, ed.,  Amsterdam: Harwood, 1997). In
the interim a number of new and important works in the history of
recent STM have appeared, and new (sometimes fierce) discussions
have taken place. The aim of this three-day second international
conference is to address problems such as:

- How do different theoretical perspectives (sociological,
philosophical, biographical, ethnographic, historical, economic,
etc.) contribute to the historiography of STM?

- How do the new information and communication technologies affect
the research and writing of the history of STM?

- How does the growing complexity of recent technoscience place
demands on our historiographical tools? And, conversely, how can we
engage scientists, engineers and medics to participate positively in
writing the history of recent and contemporary STM, given the
increasing complexity of the historiographical tools we use?

- Given the tremendous amount of recent archival information (paper
and electronic), how can one secure what is historically relevant and
make it available to historians?

- What issues arise from the differences in perspective of all those
with interests in the history of recent and contemporary STM
(scientists, historians, sociologists, journalists, policy-analysts,
policy-makers, the public), and how can we deal with them?

- Do the similarities between recent science, technology and
biomedicine warrant a unified approach signalled by the term

- What can (and should) science journalism and the development of
oral history contribute to the history of recent STM?

- What consequences do historical studies of contemporary and recent
STM have for researchers' practice and for the public perception of
science, technology and biomedicine?

- Can the study of recent history of STM be used to give qualified
predictions for future scientific and technological developments?

This being a working conference, the number of participants is
limited to around 35. There will be time for 15-20 paper
presentations; other participants are supposed to serve as
commentators, panelists, etc.

Proposals for papers will be reviewed by the Steering Committee in
co-operation with an International Advisory Program Panel (see

All applicants are requested to send in a 200 word abstract.
Abstracts should be sent to:
          Thomas Soderqvist, Division of Philosophy and Theory of
          Science, Department of Communication, Roskilde
          University, P.O.Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
          (or by e-mail: [log in to unmask])
so that they arrive before 15 December 1997. Selected participants
will be notified by 1 February 1998. Draft manuscripts for
precirculation among the participants are due on 1 June, 1998.

A few stipends for travel and accommodation are available for those
who cannot obtain other funds.

Steering Committee:
- Finn Aaserud, Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen
- Lene Koch, Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen University
- Helge Kragh, History of Science Department, Aarhus University
- Thomas Soderqvist, Division of Philosophy and Theory of Science,
Roskilde University

International Advisory Program Panel:
- Jeff Hughes, Centre for Science, Technology and Medicine,
Manchester University
- Horace F. Judson, Center for the History of Recent Science,
George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
- Timothy Lenoir, Program in History and Philosophy of Science,
Stanford University
- Hans-Jorg Rheinberger, Max-Planck-Institut fur
Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin

------------ Forwarded Message EIGHT ends here ------------
------------ Forwarded Message NINE begins here ------------

From: "peter j. taylor" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 12:00:40 -0500
To: [log in to unmask]


Cornell University


        Assistant Professor, tenure track, in the Department of Science &
Technology Studies beginning Fall 1998.  The successful candidate will
play an active role in the Department's undergraduate major in Biology
and Society.  In addition, full contribution to the Department's
research and training program (both undergraduate and graduate) is
central to the position.  Teaching responsibilities will include the
interdisciplinary core course for the undergraduate major and
additional courses in such areas as history of biology, philosophy of
biology, gender and science, biomedical ethics, or environmental
ethics.  Area of specialization within science and technology studies
is open, but favored possibilities include history, philosophy or
sociology of the life sciences; political and social theory; law; or
gender studies relating to biology or medicine.  Applications from
women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged.

        Candidates should submit:  (a) a letter of application explaining
the relation of their research and teaching interests to the requirements
of this position; (b) a curriculum vitae; (c) a sample of written work;
(d) a sample syllabus for an undergraduate course; and (e) three letters
of recommendation to be sent directly to the Department. Application
materials should be submitted to:  Professor Trevor Pinch, Search
Committee Chair, Department of Science & Technology Studies, 726
University Avenue, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850.

        Applications will be reviewed starting October 15, 1997.  For
further information, please contact the Department at 607-255-6234, or
[log in to unmask], or  Cornell
University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

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