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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 13:50:15 -0700
text/plain (101 lines)
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Date:  Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:24:50 +0200
From:  [log in to unmask]

Susanne Lijmbach, Wageningen Agricultural University, the Netherlands,
Richard Burkhardt, University of Illinois, Urbana

Title/Topic: Animal Issues

Description: Many of the history, philosophy and social studies of
biology papers given at ISHPSSB meetings have focused on matters of
theory, organisms in general, ecosystems only made up of plants. As we
did two years ago, we intend to organize one or more sessions where
"animal issues" (rather than biological theories per se) are our central
theme.  Last time our themes included zoological gardens, cultural views
of animals, animal ethics, historical and contemporary views on animal
sciences, and the question of the animal mind.  For the upcoming meeting
we again want to bring together scientists, philosophers, and historians
interested in this general area.  We are eager to hear from individuals
who are interested in giving papers or organizing collections of papers
within this general framework.

Contact: Susanne Lijmbach, Dept. Applied Philosophy Wageningen
Agricultural University, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, the
Netherlands, [log in to unmask], or Richard Burkhardt, Dept.
of History, 309 Gregory Hall, University of Illinois, 810 S.Wright St.
Urbana IL 61801, USA, [log in to unmask]

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Date:  Fri, 9 Oct 1998 16:07:21 -0400
   From:  "Peter Taylor" <[log in to unmask]>

Through their teaching, writing, and public presentations many
ISHPSSBers are addressing the challenge of promoting the constructively
critical analysis of science among students, practicing scientists,
other science studies scholars, and the wider public.  In this spirit I
invite you to bring to the attention of students with history,
philosophy, social studies and biology interests the program I have
recently joined at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Peter Taylor ([log in to unmask])

Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) is a unique interdisciplinary
graduate program which continues to grow and contribute to the wider
national and international discourse on critical and creative thinking.
Staffed by faculty from education, philosophy, psychology and other life
sciences, it offers a master of arts degree, a graduate certificate and
other non-degree options. Graduate students from many states and several
countries join those from Massachusetts in pursuing these options. Some
are teachers and college professors, teacher educators, curriculum
specialists, and school administrators.  Others are museum educators,
artists, musicians, and policy makers in government and corporate
settings. The CCT Program has recently moved from the University's
College of Arts and Sciences to the Graduate College of Education, but
it continues to welcome students from a variety of fields.

The CCT Program provides students with an understanding of the processes
of critical thinking and creativity, and with ways of helping others
develop these processes in a variety of formal and informal educational
settings.  Traditionally, CCT courses and workshops have covered
psychological studies of the scope, limits, and techniques of critical
and creative thought, information processing, and conceptual learning in
children and young adults; philosophical studies of techniques in
reasoning, argument, logical thinking, valuing, and judging; and work
with cognitive structures and metacognitive techniques for stimulating
creativity and critical thought.  At the same time, social justice
concerns motivate the work of many CCT students and faculty.  This is
reflected, among other places, in an emergent program focus on examining
science in-society in order to foster critical and creative thinking in

One primary goal of the CCT Program is to help practicing educators and
other professionals translate what they learn in CCT into strategies,
materials and interventions for use in their own settings. CCT students
develop skills that better equip them for on-going learning, fulfilling
the needs of their schools, workplaces, and communities, adapting to
social changes, and collaborating with others to these ends.  Specialty
content areas, within which students can become particularly expert at
applying critical and creative thinking skills in a specific field, are
available.  The program offers five such areas and provides for several
other individualized choices, through cooperation with other UMass
Boston graduate programs, in such fields as business, developmental
psychology, instructional design and media, language development,
special education, and dispute resolution.

The specialty areas offered by the CCT Program itself are
* Moral Issues and Moral Education
* Criticism and Creativity in Literature and the Arts
* Critical and Creative Thinking in Mathematics, Science, and Technology
* Critical and Creative Thinking in Environmental Studies [in
* Critical and Creative Thinking in the Work Place

Students may enter the program in the fall, winter or summer.  For
application and other inquiries, call the CCT administrative assistant,
Shelly Billingsley, at 617-287-6520 or email her at
[log in to unmask]

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