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Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:15:46 -0800
text/plain (111 lines)
(Listserv for the International Society for the History, Philosophy,
and Social Studies of Biology)

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from this listserv)

This listserv sends out brief descriptions only. For further details,
follow the link provided.

Please send me items at [log in to unmask] to post to the list that
would be of interest to Society members: position announcements,
postdoctoral announcements, grant and funding opportunities,
conference announcements, calls for papers, and brief queries on
research topics. The sooner you send me something, the more likely
that I will be able to have it posted before its deadline. **Please
include a link to details, as we only send out a digest of brief


Trevor Pearce
Listserv Moderator, International Society for History, Philosophy, and
Social Studies of Biology
[log in to unmask]

Workshop and Call for Posters: "Postgenomic Determinisms:
Environmental Narratives after the Century of the Gene," 25-26 March
2021, online workshop organized by the 'Return of the Organism'
research group, Ruhr University Bochum. There will be a virtual poster
session during the workshop. We invite graduate students and early
career scholars to submit abstracts for posters. Deadline: 1 March

PhD grants: The Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of
Lisbon (CFUL) welcomes expressions of interest by prospective
candidates interested in applying for a PhD grant (up to 4 years)
funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the
Individual Call for PhD Research Scholarships. Deadline: 31 March 2021
(17:00 Lisbon Time). Candidates will have to apply directly to FCT,
but if they want to carry out their doctoral research at CFUL, they
must first secure the support of one of the CFUL's members who are
also staff at the Department of Philosophy.

Job: The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives seeks to fill a
two-year Historian of Sciences position (for a PhD in history of
science of any level, with a possibility of extension) to assess
historical collections of original materials in our archive,
participate in writing grants for history of science projects, and
contribute to the activities of our Center for Humanities & History of
Modern Biology. Applications will be reviewed as soon as they arrive.
We hope to appoint the chosen candidate as soon as they are available,
ideally with a starting date between April and July 2021.

Job: The Archives at the National Centre for Biological Sciences in
Bangalore, India, has just announced a call for the Obaid Siddiqi
Chair in the History and Culture of Science, to be held for a 12-month
period beginning August 2021. It is open to scholars from across the
world and across disciplines. Deadline: 28 February 2021.

Job: The Department of Philosophy at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham seeks to hire a non-tenure-earning assistant professor
(AOS: Applied Ethics, including Bioethics; AOC: Open). Deadline: 1
March 2021.

Job: The Program in Science, Technology, and Society at Colby College
invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor
position. We seek candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching
in any area of Science, Technology, and Society. Deadline: 15 March

Book: *Asian Religious Responses to Darwinism: Modern Evolutionary
Theories in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian Cultural
Contexts,* ed. C. Mackenzie Brown.

**************************** End of announcements **************************

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Trevor Pearce
Listserv Moderator, International Society for History, Philosophy, and
Social Studies of Biology

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