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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
"Roberta L. Millstein" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Dec 2005 19:17:29 -0800
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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
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Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and 
unsubscribe from this listserv)

This listserv sends out brief descriptions only.  For further 
details, follow the link listed.

Please send me items to post to the list that would be of interest to 
Society members:  position announcements, postdoctoral announcements, 
grant and funding opportunities, conference announcements, calls for 
papers, and brief queries on research topics.  The sooner you send me 
something, the more likely that I will be able to have it posted 
before its deadline.


Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology


1. Call for abstracts: "Science & Technology in Society: An 
International Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference," April 
22rd - 23rd, 2006, American Association for the Advancement of 
Science Headquarters, Washington, DC.  Abstract Deadline: January 
31st, 2006.  

2. The University of Sydney is pleased to announce a new postgraduate 
coursework program in bioethics, commencing in March 2006. 

3. Dibner/MBL Seminar 2006: "Oceans and Atmospheres," May 17-24, 
2006, Woods Hole, MA, USA.  This is an intensive, one-week seminar 
with annually varying topics. It is designed for advanced graduate 
students, younger scholars, and also more established researchers in 
biology and the history and philosophy of science. Applications due 
February 15, 2006. 

4. Call for extended abstracts: "Beyond Mimesis and Nominalism: 
Representation in Art and Science, London, 22-23 June 2006, London, 
UK.  Deadline for submissions: 1 March 

5. Call for abstracts: "Southwest Colloquium in the History and 
Philosophy of the Life Sciences," April 1-2, 2006, University of 
California, Davis.  This is an annual event that includes a one-day 
Graduate Student Symposium and a one-day Faculty/Graduate Student 
Workshop devoted to a specific topic.  Deadline:  February 1, 2006. 

6. Call for Papers for the international workshop, "Heredity in the 
Century of the Gene (A Cultural History of Heredity IV)" at the 
University of Exeter, December 11-13, 2006. Deadline for Paper 
Proposals: March 31, 2006. 

7. Workshop on "Ecological restoration as social reconstruction," 
April 20-23, 2006, Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole MA, 
USA. Applications for an interaction-intensive workshop on these 
issues are sought from scientists, science educators, and scholars in 
history, philosophy, and social studies of science (including 
graduate students) who are interested in promoting the social 
contextualization of science through interdisciplinary education and 
outreach activities beyond their current disciplinary and academic 
boundaries.  Application target date:  December 31, 2005. 

**************************** End of announcements **************************

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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

Listserv archives:
Snail mail:
Department of Philosophy                 
California State University, East Bay (formerly known as Cal State Hayward)
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.    
Hayward, CA 94542

Email: <[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 510-885-3546
Fax:   510-885-2123