Intl. Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology
2001 Meetings
18-22 July 2001
Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut
Submission Deadline: 15 March 2001
ISHPSSB invites members and interested scholars to submit proposals for
sessions and papers on topics related to all facets of the history,
philosophy and social studies of biology. The summer meetings are known
for innovative, transdisciplinary discussion and for fostering informal
exchange and on-going collaborations.
Interested persons may browse suggested session topics and post their own
prospective sessions at the website noted below. Participants may
designate their session or paper as designed for prepared discussion and
post relevant material in advance on the web. Innovative session formats
that promote interdisciplinarity and/or participation are welcome.
Proposals must include name, address, e-mail, title and abstract. Forms to
accompany submission are posted on the website noted below. All session
participants must preregister by 1 June 2001. Address inquiries and submit
proposals to:
Douglas Allchin, Program Chair
2005 Carroll Avenue
St. Paul MN 55104
FAX: 612.626.8380
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Limited travel grants will be available for graduate students presenting
papers. Contact:
Keith Benson, Univ. of Washington, College Studies, Box 354330, Seattle WA
98195-4330, [log in to unmask], FAX 206.543.7400.
Program and conference details, including information about travel and
accommodation, and proposal submission forms, are available at: