Dear ISHers,
Here are a couple of announcements:
(1) Talk - Hein Van den Berg - Wundt and Kraepelin: An Attempt to Ground
Psychiatry as a Proper Science - Dec. 3
(2) Call for Applications | Obaid Siddiqi Chair in the History and Culture
of Science, 2025-26
Best wishes,
*(1) Dec. 3 - Hein Van den Berg - Wundt and Kraepelin: An Attempt to Ground
Psychiatry as a Proper Science*
The Center for Philosophy of Science invites you to join us for our Lunch
Time Talk. Attend in person, Room 1117 on the 11th floor of the Cathedral
of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh or visit our live stream on
YouTube at *
*Lunch Time Talk - Hein Van den Berg*
*Meet Hein:
*Tuesday, December 3rd @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT*
In person at 1117 Cathedral of Learning (11th Floor) or join online at
Title: Wundt and Kraepelin: An Attempt to Ground Psychiatry as a Proper
Abstract: In the early stages of his career, Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926),
one of the founders of modern psychiatry, attempted to synthesize work done
in the newly established science of experimental psychology and psychiatry.
This work was influenced by the pioneering research of Wilhelm Wundt
(1832-1920), with whom Kraepelin studied. Kraepelin’s experimental research
remains a relatively little studied field and is mostly interpreted in the
context of a debate on whether his experimental work influenced his later
nosological research. In this work, I adopt a novel perspective on
Kraepelin’s programme, and look into the extent into which Wundt’s writings
on logic can shed light on the methodological foundations of Kraepelin’s
research. By adopting this perspective, I demonstrate firstly that both
Wundt and Kraepelin saw experiments as a means to apply the method of
analysis, analyzing complex mental phenomena, including mental disorders,
into their elementary parts. Secondly, I show that Kraepelin did not reject
patho-anatomic studies of the brain in psychiatry, as is sometimes
suggested, but that he applied Wundt’s method of experimental analysis to
correlate elementary cerebropathic processes with elementary
psychopathological processes. Thirdly, I show that the method of
correlating cerebropathic processes with psychopathological processes was
also due to Wundt, who in his physiological psychology attempted to
correlate outer physiological processes with inner mental phenomena.
Finally, I give a novel analysis of Kraepelin’s envisioned experiments.
*(2) Call for Applications | Obaid Siddiqi Chair in the History and Culture
of Science, 2025-26*
The Archives at NCBS is delighted to announce a call for the fifth Obaid
Siddiqi Chair in the History and Culture of Science, 2025-26!
*Dates for Academic Year 2025-26*
*Deadline:* Fri, Jan 10, 2025
*Award Confirmation: *April 2025
*Duration: *~Aug 2025 - Jul 2026 (Start and end dates are flexible; the
duration is one year)
*Application details:*
*Overview:* The Obaid Siddiqi Chair will be awarded to a distinguished
scholar with a substantial body of work that deepens our understanding of
the history and culture of science. The applicant will be someone who is
known for transcending disciplinary boundaries in their work and engaging
with the public. The Chair will work closely with the Archives at NCBS to
reimagine the role of the archive in both academic and the public spaces.
This position is made possible with generous support from TNQ Foundation.
*Duration:* 12 months, in residence on the NCBS campus in Bangalore.
*Eligibility:* We invite applications from individuals around the world.
There are no restrictions on the applicant’s discipline or on completed
levels of education. Applicants could see their time at NCBS as a way to
develop existing projects further. We look forward to applicants from
wide-ranging fields such as history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology,
law, literature, journalism, archaeology, art, architecture, education,
economics, engineering and the sciences.
*Compensation and benefits:* The Chair will be paid a monthly senior
faculty-level salary commensurate with institute norms. NCBS will also
provide campus housing for one year, and support toward some research