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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:24:06 -0800
text/plain (120 lines)
1. The Nominations Committee calls for nominations for the following
positions on the Board of Directors of the Society:

• PRESIDENT ELECT (2021–2023)
The successful candidate for this position will become the Society's
President at the end of the 2023 General Business meeting, serving
until 2025, and then as Past President and Chair of the Nominating
Committee, 2025–2027.
• SECRETARY, for a term of two years
• TREASURER, for a term of two years
• PROGRAM OFFICER for the 2023 meeting, for a term of two years
• Three positions for AT-LARGE DIRECTORS (COUNCIL MEMBERS), each for a
term of four years, 2021–2025
Further information about the roles of these officers can be found in
Article III of the ISHPSSB Bylaws and Operations Manual.

Candidates for each office may be nominated by the Nominations
Committee or by any two Members of the Society. Members wishing to
nominate a candidate directly should seek that candidate’s permission
and then write to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, Marsha
Richmond ([log in to unmask]), sending the name of the
candidate, the office for which they are being nominated, a brief (100
word) biography, the nominee's statement that she or he is willing to
stand for election, and the names of the two nominating members.
Self-nominations are permitted. The targeted deadline for nominations
is 1 February 2021, with the election to be held in the Spring.

2. The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) seeks submissions for the 2021 Werner
Callebaut Prize.

This prize is intended to advance the careers of younger scholars
working at the intersection of the fields represented by ISH, and will
be awarded to the best manuscript utilizing an interdisciplinary
approach based on a presentation at one of the two previous ISHPSSB
meetings (São Paulo or Oslo) by someone who was, at the time of
presentation, a graduate student.
The prize is named in honor of Werner Callebaut, whose untimely death
in 2014 inflicted a serious blow to the philosophy of biology
community worldwide. Werner’s mentorship and guidance benefited the
intellectual and personal development of countless philosophers and
scientists over the last twenty years, and contributed greatly to
making sure that philosophical and scientific work evolve in
constructive dialogue and reciprocal respect. His work reached
creatively across fields of relevance to the philosophical
understanding of biology (comprising areas as far removed as
economics, evolutionary biology, history, sociology and cognitive
science), as well as across national cultures, languages and
traditions (most notably the ‘continental-analytic’ divide among
philosophers of science), hence making a prize focused on
interdisciplinarity most appropriate, especially for ISHPSSB which
explicitly encourages interdisciplinary approaches. The award will
consist of a certificate and an award of $500, as well as a permanent
record of the award on a plaque which circulates every two years to
the current winners. Submissions may be simultaneously considered for
the Grene and the Callebaut prizes, but a paper may not be awarded
both prizes. Submissions should be in the form of a paper prepared for
submission to a professional journal, with an indication of the
journal in question, along with a brief statement detailing the
interdisciplinarity represented in the manuscript. An electronic copy
(in Microsoft Word or PDF format), together with the required cover
sheet, should be emailed as one document to the Chair of the Callebaut
Prize Committee, Sabina Leonelli, [log in to unmask], no later
than 1 February 2021. The winning paper will be announced at the 2021
ISHPSSB conference. The committee reserves the right not to make an
award, or to split the award.

3. The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) seeks submissions for the 2021 Marjorie
Grene Prize.

This prize is intended to advance the careers of younger scholars, and
will be awarded to the best manuscript based on a presentation at one
of the two previous ISHPSSB meetings (São Paulo or Oslo) by someone
who was, at the time of presentation, a graduate student. It is very
appropriate for ISHPSSB to name this prize in Marjorie Grene’s honor.
Not only does her work in the history and philosophy of biology
exemplify the strong spirit of interdisciplinary work fundamental to
ISHPSSB, but she played a central role in bringing together diverse
scholars of biology even before the formation of the Society. She was
a valued mentor to many members of the Society and a long-standing
inspiration to all. The award will consist of a certificate and an
award of $500, as well as a permanent record of the award on a plaque
which circulates every two years to the current winner(s). Submissions
may be simultaneously considered for the Grene and the Callebaut
prizes, but a paper may not be awarded both prizes. Submissions should
be in the form of a paper prepared for submission to a professional
journal, with an indication of the journal in question. An electronic
copy (in Microsoft Word or PDF format), together with the required
cover sheet, should be emailed as one document to the Chair of the
Grene Prize Committee, Sabina Leonelli, at [log in to unmask], no
later than 1 February 2021. The winning paper will be announced at the
2021 ISHPSSB conference. The committee reserves the right not to make
an award, or to split the award.


The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Biology seeks nominations for the 2021 David L. Hull Prize
for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology. This biennial
prize honors extraordinary scholarship and service promoting
connections among the com-munities represented by our Society. It was
established in 2011 to commemorate the life and legacy of David Hull,
who exemplified both a high standard of interdisciplinary scholarship
and exemplary service that helped to build bridges among our
disciplines. The next David L. Hull Prize is scheduled to be awarded
at the 2021 ISHPSSB conference. The Prize consists of a Medal
recognizing the recipient’s contributions to scholarship and service,
and—if/when physical conferences return—a US$1000 travel subsidy. A
complete nomination package consists of two letters of nomination,
each signed by at least one member of ISHPSSB (thus there must be at
least two nominators) and a current Curriculum vitae of the candidate.
We would like to highlight that nominees may be at any career stage,
and strongly suggest that members take into account diversity when
considering nominations. The deadline for nominations is 1 February
2021. Nominations should be sent by email to the Chair of the David L.
Hull Prize Committee, Paul Griffiths ([log in to unmask]).
More details, a list of previous recipients, and nomination procedures
can be found at