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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
"Ackert,Lloyd" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Nov 2021 14:51:02 +0000
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"Ackert,Lloyd" <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear IISH Colleagues,
   Here are the most recent announcements for your consideration:



Dear Ishkabibblers,

ISH21 was an unprecedented conference – the first one during a pandemic; the first to take place fully online; probably the hardest to organize, as the committee had to quickly pivot from in person to online options. We are grateful to CSHL for their support and to the Organizing Committee 2021 for all the hard work. The conference had to accommodate participants across all time zones, some in lockdowns, some squeezing in the conference around the edges of their teaching day. It is safe to say that against all these odds our meeting was a success. Thank you all for your enthusiastic support, commitment to the society, and the lively and friendly intellectual atmosphere.

As we start to think about our next meeting in 2023 we want to hear from you. What worked well, and what would you like to change? We are hoping for an in-person conference with an online component in 2023: which elements of the online meeting should we keep, maybe even to strengthen the community between the meeting years?  And what should we consider when planning an in-person meeting in these (hopefully post-) pandemic, climate crisis times?

We have prepared a survey<> that asks these questions, and we are hoping that many of you will find a few moments to send us your views, thoughts and concerns.

ISHPSSB 2021 Post-Meeting Survey (<>

 Thank you,

Tatjana and Jan
ISH 2023 Program Chairs


Call for Applications
Sixth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS)

“Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences”

Institute for Philosophy in Biology & Medicine & ImmunoConcEpT lab,
University of Bordeaux & CNRS, Bordeaux, France
September 5-9, 2022
Directors: Thomas Pradeu & Maël Lemoine (Bordeaux); Marcel Weber (University of Geneva)

The European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) consortium will hold its sixth biennial summer school on “Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences” at the University of Bordeaux in France. Young scholars (PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers) in the history, philosophy and social studies of the biological, biomedical, and environmental sciences are invited to apply.
The deadline for applications is February 25, 2022.
Applicants will be notified of decisions by late April 2022.
For updates and more details, please see:<>


Thomas Pradeu
CNRS Research Professor in Philosophy of Science
Immunology Unit ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164, CNRS & University of Bordeaux
Stanford University CASBS Fellow<> (2020-2021)
Team Leader Conceptual Biology and Medicine Team<>
Coordinator of the Institute for Philosophy in Biology and Medicine<> (PhilInBioMed)
146 rue Léo Saignat 33076 Bordeaux, France
& IHPST<> Pantheon-Sorbonne University 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris, France


CALL FOR PAPERS - Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age
Issue 1 (2022)

Darwin’s Tangled Legacy.
Evolutionary Perspectives in Contemporary Thought

Editors: Andrea Parravicini (Università degli Studi di Milano, Adjunct Professor)
Andra Meneganzin (Università degli Studi di Padova, Ph.D. candidate)
Chiara Pertile (Università degli Studi di Milano, Graduate Student)

The Darwinian theory of evolution has brought unprecedented changes in Western thought. Pragmatist
philosopher John Dewey pointed out that the title of Darwin's masterpiece, The Origin of Species (1859),
expressed an intellectual revolt against the previously dominant philosophy of nature. This considered the
intrinsic superiority of what is fixed, immutable and has a final purpose over anything that changes, unfolds
without purpose or has an origin in time. In this light, Darwin started off a real philosophical revolution,
delivering to the scientific community a theory capable of interpreting living phenomena and the underlying
processes without appealing to final causes, divine creations or intelligent designs. Evolutionary theory could
account for the origin and diversity of life through law-like patterns and processes normally operating in
nature. Recent research is throwing new light on Darwin’s project, moving it forward and bringing about
fruitful reciprocal influences between scientific evolutionism and philosophy.


Scrolls & Leaves

The Archives at NCBS, a public centre for the history of contemporary biology in India, is delighted to announce the launch of Scrolls & Leaves. Season 1: Trade Winds narrates how trade and migration across the Indian Ocean changed us. The 3D-sound narrative podcast delves into deeply reported stories at the intersection of history, culture and science.

Scrolls & Leaves | | Season 1: Trade Winds

How to Listen & Subscribe
Podcast app<> | YouTube <> | Website<>
Watch the trailer<>

About Scrolls & Leaves - Scrolls & Leaves is a world history show featuring stories at the intersection of culture and science, with a focus on colonialism, trade and migration in the first season (Sep 30 - Dec 16 2021). The narratives weave interviews with historians and extensive research in archival, sometimes obscure, sources. Stories are set in a wide-ranging geography, from Central Asia to the Indian subcontinent, spanning 1st century CE to present day. It is produced and hosted by Mary-Rose Abraham<> and Gayathri Vaidyanathan<>, with sound design by Nikhil Nagaraj<>. Season 1 is produced in collaboration with the Archives at NCBS<>, and with support from IndiaBioScience, DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance, Yale University's Mellon Sawyer Seminar - The Order of Multitudes, and NCBS.



We are pleased to announce a new type of article within the Endeavour Journal universe, called In Vivo.

In Vivo articles are short communications that comment on current affairs of general interest and that draw upon research and perspectives grounded in the history, philosophy, and social studies of science, technology, and medicine. Readable prose free of academic jargon and illustrations are especially encouraged for In Vivo submissions. In Vivo articles should not exceed 3000 words in length. Articles will be double-blind peer-reviewed, and are published free access.

We would especially like to encourage advanced graduate students, early career scholars, and Alt-Ac scholars to submit pitches for In Vivo.

If you have an idea for a timely commentary suitable for In Vivo, please contact the In Vivo editor, Kate MacCord at [log in to unmask]<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">https:[log in to unmask]>, prior to submission.



The Cultural Evolution Society<> is running a funding scheme called Transforming the Field of Cultural Evolution and its Application to Global Human Futures, thanks to a grant from the John Templeton Foundation<>.

   The scheme aims to transform the important, yet underfunded, field of cultural evolution. How our cultures evolve (including how information is transmitted, how people make decisions, and the interaction of culture with our biology) is a pressing issue in a world in which our cultural activities are causing rapid, and drastic, social and physical changes.
   Through the scheme, the Cultural Evolution Society aims to tackle several issues:

  1.  The ever-increasing obstacles to success that early career academics face – this will be redressed through funding, mentoring and training opportunities.
  2.  Western-centrism, i.e. the tendency of research to focus far too much on the West and for only Western researchers to receive funding – researchers from countries outside of Northern America and Western Europe are especially encouraged to apply to this scheme.
  3.  Disciplinary divides (for example between psychologists and anthropologists or physicists and historians) that hamper research progress.
  4.  The gap between scientists and public policy makers – dedicated support is available to help communicate research activities to relevant contacts, in order to enable society as a whole to benefit from research in cultural evolution. Policy makers rarely draw on an explicit scientific theory of cultural change, and in contrast, the sciences often investigate what needs to be changed but invest less in how this may be achieved.

Research projects
   The funding competition will fund 16 Research Projects in four broad areas. There is more detail regarding these themes on the website<> but in summary:

1.       Variation in creativity and imagination (both across cultures and between species) and the impact this has on the evolution of our technology, as well as art, music, language and religion. We may also understand the influence of cultural norms and different educational practices on creativity throughout the life-time.

2.       Cultural influences on access to ‘reality’ (or our rationality). When we think of rational thought, we often consider processes based on an evaluation of objective facts rather than supernatural beliefs or emotions. However, recent theories in many diverse disciplines have focused on human ‘irrationality’ and how this may be ‘sensible’ as we live in a world of uncertainty where logic is not a perfect guide. Investigating how cultural beliefs influence our perceived realities and ability to imagine future ones, as well as investigations of how, or why, we transmit so-called ‘fake news’ are important avenues of research.

3.       The impact of globalization on cultures. We live in an ever more interdependent world, the current and future implications of which are ripe for investigation through a cultural evolutionary lens. For example, the effects of the hyper-availability of online information to enormous global audiences, and the novel features of digital information transmission, are only recently being investigated. Globalization also poses inherent risks, especially as we increasingly face cooperative dilemmas on an unprecedented global scale (e.g. climate change, pandemics). Likewise, it is also possible that the merging of humanity into a single “effective population” will erase cultural variation with negative impacts on knowledge diversity and our ability to adapt to new challenges.

4.       Applying cultural evolution to enhance human futures. How cultural evolutionary insights can be used for positive change was identified as one of the ‘grand challenges’ in the field of cultural evolution. One key example is that an understanding of cultural transmission, and the various biases in when and whom individuals learn from, may be used to enhance the spread of desired behaviours. In principle, understanding of these processes could aid in the current Covid-19 health workers’ ‘war’ against misinformation. More generally, cultural evolution could inform ‘Behavioural Insights’ 'or ‘nudge’ theories used by institutions globally in an attempt to improve public policy.

Applied Working Groups

Alongside the funding of the research grants, there is also a competition to fund 5 Applied Working Groups. These will be designed by the applicants, to implement cultural evolution with real impact on, for example, policy (e.g. public health, education), politics, business, climate change, conservation and welfare. The workshops should include conversations between academics and relevant non-academics to disseminate cultural evolution insights to the general public and engage policy makers in using cultural evolution to help solve current and future real-world problems.
   At the end of 2024, there will be a conference in Durham (UK), where the findings from all of the research projects and working groups will be presented to scientists, policy makers and the general public.
   The application deadline is 5th January 2022, and there will be a pre-application workshop in early November 2021. Details of the scheme are available here<>, and you can also find out more on the following social media accounts:

For any questions, please email our grant manager Lorna Winship in the first instance: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

Bella Reichard

Research Communications Manager

Cultural Evolution Society Funding scheme

Durham University

Department of Anthropology

Dawson Building

South Road

Durham, DH1 3LE


Purdue University, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Philosophy Science (broadly construed).  For details, please see:


Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship

Interested candidates are free to contact Ingo Brigandt ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) about supervision and application procedure.

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship, tenable for two years, any time after April 1, 2022. This is a research position, but some additionally remunerated teaching is possible, if desired.

AOS: open.
Citizenship: open.
PhD must be completed prior to commencing fellowship; applicants who have completed their PhD prior to December 6, 2019 are ineligible. $50,000 per annum plus benefits and a one-time $4000 research/travel grant.

In case of a conflict, the instructions and deadlines provided in this ad override the guidelines on the application form and on the University webpage.

To receive full consideration, applications (including the letters of recommendation, research proposal and research experience statement) should be tailored to the Killam postdoctoral fellowship, address the applicant’s fit with the department and be written in a style accessible to non-experts. Applicants should choose a University of Alberta supervisor (having consulted with the faculty member) prior to submitting an application. Supervisor’s letter of support and biosketch is not required at this time.

Applications should include:

(1)   a completed application form<> (please submit a signed and dated electronic scan of the completed application form);

(2)   a CV (including a list of academic honors, awards and publications);

(3)   a research proposal (maximum one page single-spaced) describing the applicant’s proposed postdoctoral research project;

(4)   a research experience statement (maximum two pages single-spaced) describing how the applicant’s academic background has prepared her/him to carry out the proposed research project; and

(5)   graduate transcripts; and

(6)   three letters of recommendation sent to the Department separately.

Successful candidates must provide an official copy of their PhD transcript before taking up the fellowship.

Applications and letters should be sent electronically to Kathleen Dean, Executive Assistant, Department of Philosophy: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> (subject line: Killam Search).

Deadline for receipt of applications: November 15, 2021. (This internal deadline set by the Philosophy Department overrides the official university-wide deadline of submissions listed in the application guidelines.)

Executive Director, Philosophy of Science Association, and Program Director, Center for Public Engagement with Science

   The University of Cincinnati (UC) seeks to fill a full-time staff position to serve as Executive Director of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) and Program Director for the UC Center for Public Engagement with Science (PEWS). We invite applications from candidates with an interest in nonprofit leadership in the academic sector.
Approximately 75% FTE is dedicated to serving as Executive Director (ED) of the PSA. The ED is the executive leader of the PSA, responsible for overseeing the organization's administration, programs, and activities. The ED works closely with the President, Governing Board, and PSA committees to develop and implement initiatives that further the mission of the organization, such as public outreach, expanding and diversifying the membership, and fundraising. Key responsibilities include overseeing business office operations (including budgets and financial transactions); managing the PSA website, member communications and social media presence; facilitating board meetings; serving as the principal liaison with the editors and publisher of the journal Philosophy of Science and, above all, ensuring the successful functioning of PSA biennial conferences.
    The remaining 25% FTE is dedicated to serving as Program Director of PEWS. The Program Director serves on the PEWS leadership team, managing organizational matters, budget and fundraising, website, and communications.

Required Education
·         Bachelor's Degree
·         Eight (8) years of relevant work experience and/or other specialized training can be used in lieu of education requirement.

Additional Qualifications Considered
·         Graduate degree (Masters or PhD) in philosophy or another discipline in the humanities or sciences preferred
·         Experience with event organization, managing budgets, and/or office management also preferred

Application Process
   Applicants must complete an online application at<,-Public-Engagement-with-Science,-Department-of-Philosophy-OH-45201/802445500/?locale=en_US>.  In addition to the online application, please include a cover letter detailing your qualifications and interest in the position, curriculum vitae or resume, and the names of at least three references. The online application includes a statement of commitment and contributions to diversity; applicants will be evaluated on this commitment, as well as their appreciation for the University of Cincinnati's culture of inclusion and equity.  You should use the Additional Documents feature to make sure all required documents are attached.

This is a continuing appointment with an annual salary of $60,000 (negotiable) and benefits. Anticipated start date is negotiable with the aim of January 3, 2022.

Review of applications is expected to begin on November 15, 2021.

 Please reach out to John Duprè (PSA President, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) or Angela Potochnik (PEWS Director, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) with any questions.


Assistant Professor at University of Alberta: (Social) Epistemology and Indigenous Philosophy

Details at
Review of applications will start on 8 November 2021.

AOS: Epistemology, Social Epistemology
AOC: Indigenous Philosophy

   The Department of Philosophy invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor specializing in Epistemology, broadly construed, with a starting date of July 1, 2022. Applicants must hold a PhD in Philosophy, or be ABD with a strong expectation of completing the PhD before July 1, 2022. Diverse methodological and theoretical approaches welcome; engagement with Indigenous knowledge systems and theories required.
   The successful candidate will have a strong background in Western epistemology, as well as interests in social epistemology. They will be able to teach core courses in epistemology at all levels, while also bringing critical perspectives to bear on epistemological assumptions that have historically led to the marginalization of Indigenous and non-Western philosophies. They will support the Department in its effort to decolonize and indigenize the curriculum.
   The Department also has teaching needs in the following areas: philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, Kant, philosophy of law, applied ethics, and feminist philosophy, among others. Ability to teach in one or more of these areas will be an asset.
   Candidates must demonstrate high potential for excellent research and teaching, and the ability to engage with Indigenous perspectives. Diverse research experiences, such as team projects or community-engaged scholarship, as well as the ability to develop collaborations with other Departments and Faculties, such as the Faculty of Native Studies or other Faculties in the College of Social Science and Humanities (Business, Law, Education) will also be taken into consideration. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit scholars are encouraged to apply, along with Indigenous scholars from any geographical region. Applicants should self-identify and are encouraged to demonstrate Indigenous community connections.

Best, Lloyd

Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Teaching Professor
Department of History
Research Associate
Patrick Center for Environmental Research
Academy of Natural Sciences

Drexel University
Office: 5011 MacAlister Hall
3250-60 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215.895.0993
Cell: 518.965.3562