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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 20:44:24 -0800
text/plain (22 lines)
Mount Angel Seminary

Mount Angel Seminary seeks candidates for a full-time teacher-scholar in
the history of science and general science beginning in Fall, 2000.
Preferred subfields include biology, medicine, ecology, or earth
science.  The successful candidate will be responsible to teach a
year-long history of science survey and a two-semester sequence in
general science.  Additional teaching will include elective courses in
areas of specialization alternating with required courses in human
biology and mathematics.  Ph. D. preferred; ABD considered.  Salary
competitive.  Excellent benefits.  Mount Angel is a fully-accredited
Roman Catholic seminary in the Benedictine tradition operated by and
located at Mount Angel Abbey near Portland, Oregon.  We offer a B. A.
(Philosophy and Literature are offered as major fields) at the
undergraduate level and various graduate degrees.  For full
consideration, applications must be received by January 14, 2000.  The
search will remain open, however, until a suitable candidate is found.
Send a cover letter, curricululm vitae, teaching portfolio, three
letters of recommendation, and a course proposal to:  Dr. Seymour House,
Assistant Academic Dean, Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon
97373; Fax:  (503) 845-3126; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]