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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Lucie Laplane <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Nov 2024 09:21:49 +0100
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Lucie Laplane <[log in to unmask]>
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*Dear colleagues, *

*We would like to invite you to share our call for nominations for the 2025
Marjorie Grene & Werner Callebaut Prizes with eligible, early career
scholars. The deadline for submissions is March 1st 2025. *

*More details below, and available **here
*.  *
*All best, *
*Rachel Mason Dentinger, on behalf of the awards committee. *

*Call for Nominations*
The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies
of Biology (ISHPSSB) invites submissions for the 2025 Marjorie Grene Prize
and the 2025 Werner Callebaut Prize.
Both prizes aim to advance the careers of early career scholars in the
ISHPSSB community. The prizes are awarded to outstanding manuscripts
developed following a talk or poster at one of the two most recent ISHPSSB
meetings (CHSL 2021 or Toronto 2023) by presenters who were graduate
students at the time of presentation and leading authors.
*2025 Marjorie Grene Prize*
ISHPSSB named this prize in Marjorie Grene’s honor not only because of her
contribution to the history and philosophy of biology, but because she
helped create the spirit of interdisciplinarity so fundamental to ISHPSSB.
The prize thus honors Grene’s legacy by supporting today’s early career
scholars in the history, philosophy and/or social studies of biology.
*2025 Werner Callebaut Prize*
The prize named in honor of Werner Callebaut celebrates Callebaut’s
contribution to the philosophy of biology. His mentorship contributed
greatly to ensure that philosophical and scientific work evolve in
constructive dialogue and reciprocal respect. The Callebaut prize thus
focuses on recognising early career scholars’

Rachel Mason Dentinger
Assistant Professor
Department of History
University of Utah