Dear ISHPSSB Members:
In case you have been putting it off, notice that it is now June 1!
Registration for the 2001 ISHPSSB meeting at Quinnipiac University is
underway, and as of June 15, the rates will increase. We encourage you
to register online (links below).
Still undecided about attending? The ISHPSSB session schedule has now
been been posted at:
Abstracts for individual paper presentations have also been posted and
may be accessed from this page (or from the Program page). We are
looking forward to an excellent series of sessions and to the open
roundtable discussions on Sunday morning.
If you are presenting a paper, please note that you must pre-register by
June 15 to secure your place on the program. If you have not
pre-registered by that date, we will assume that your plans have changed
and adjust the program accordingly.
Please also note that there are THREE forms for you to complete:
(1) conference registration
(2) housing and meals
(3) travel
I look forward to seeing you all soon!
Chris Young
ISHPSSB Secretary and ISHPSB-L listserv moderator
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