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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v930.3)
Sender: Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
From: Gar Allen <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:11:10 -0500
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-105--313650569
Reply-To: Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (4 kB) multipart/mixed (4 kB) , text/html (27 kB) , ISHPSSB Preliminary Slate.doc (25 kB) , text/html (25 kB)
Dear ISHPSSB Members:

                   Below is the preliminary slate for ISHPSSB  
Officers, proposed by the Nominating Committee (Marion Blute, Richard  
Burian, Jean Gayon, Jason Robert, Betty Smocovitis, Gar Allen, Chair).  
This slate was arrived at after much discussion, and is based on a  
variety of considerations, in an attempt to achieve diversity in   
geographic, gender and speciality diversity. All officers will be  
elected this spring by e-mail vote and will take office at the end of  
the Business Meeting on July 15, 2009, in Brisbane.

                   For President-elect:                        			 
Marcia Richmond (History; United States)

  Griffiths (Philosophy; Australia)

Secretary:                                                	Lisa  
Gannett (Philosophy; Canada)*

Treasurer:                                                	Roberta  
Millstein (Philosophy; United States)*

                   For Program Co-Chairs:                               
	 Mark Largent (History; United States)

  Young (History; United States)

                   For Council (Select 3):                              
	 Jessica Bolker (Biology/Philosophy; United States)

  Gerson (Sociology; United States

  Laubichler (History/ Philosophy/ Biology;

/United States)

  Pigliucci (Biology/Philosophy; United States)

  Radick (History; UK)

  al-Chuyer Pereira Martins (Philosophy; Brazil)

* Both Roberta Millstein and Lisa Gannett are finishing their first  
two-year term as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. Given that  
there is a considerable learning-curve in positions we recommended,  
and both agreed, to stand again for election for a term to end in 2011.

The following Officers will continue in the following capacities:

President:                                                		Ana  
Barahona (History; Mexico)

President:                                                James  
Griesemer (Philosophy; United States)

Council:                                                      	John  
Dupre (Philosophy; UK); term expires 2011

  Gayon (Philosophy/History; France); term expires 2011

  Smocovitis (History; United States); term expires 2011

Leaving the Council at the end of the Brisbane meeting are:

  Callebaut (History/Austria)

  Mitchell (History/United States)

  Suarez (History/Mexico)

The graduate student contingency nominates and elects its own  
representative(s) to the Council.

                   The Nominating Committee now invites paid-up  
members of the Society to make additional nominations for any of the  
above positions, as prescribed by the Society's By-laws. Nominations  
must be made by TWO members and accompanied by a letter/e-mail from  
the candidate expressing their willingness to stand for election, and  
a 125-150-word biography of the candidate. We must receive all  
nominations by April 10, 2009. Please e-mail all nominations to:

                   Gar Allen, Chair, Nominating Committee

                   [log in to unmask]

                   Very Sincerely,

                   Gar Allen

P.S.: In case the formatting of this message gets jumbled in  
transferring through the e-mail system I am also attaching it as a  
Word document.