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"Roberta L. Millstein" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Roberta L. Millstein
Tue, 5 Apr 2011 11:03:02 -0700
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Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and 
unsubscribe from this listserv)


Dear Colleagues:

Fresh on the heels of our site visit to Salt Lake City in preparation 
for ISHPSSB 2011, we wanted to describe our initial plans for the 
meeting, the venue, and the setting of Salt Lake City.

The meeting will begin on the afternoon of Sunday, July 10th. 
 Registration opens at 3:00 pm and the President's Welcome will start 
at 5:00 pm, followed by an opening reception.  Sessions begin first 
thing Monday morning and go through Thursday afternoon, July 14th. 
 There will be two morning sessions of an hour and a half each, an 
hour-and-a-half for lunch, and a two-hour session each afternoon. 
 There will be between eight and ten sessions running concurrently, 
all located quite close together.  Sessions will end on Thursday and 
will be followed in the evening by a public talk in downtown Salt 
Lake City that will cap off the conference.

Each evening, we will have activities for members who choose to stay 
close to the conference venue.  One of these, proposed by Snait 
Gissis of Tel Aviv University, will be a special  session devoted to 
human rights issues.  Snait is planning to structure the 
Tuesday-evening session by having an opening talk, followed by short 
presentations by people from different parts of the world, a round 
table discussion between the presenters, and questions or brief 
statements from the audience at large.  Any ISHPSSB participants who 
would like to participate by giving a 10-15 minutes talk on human 
rights issues in their part of the world should send a title and a 
brief abstract to Snait: 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]  

We could not ask for a better venue for the conference or more 
diligent preparations by the local organizers, Matt Haber and Jim 
Tabery.  The accommodations, sessions, and dining facilities are all 
located in one general area, which itself is located in the 
upper-most (altitude-wise) portion of the University of Utah campus. 
 The views of Salt Lake City and the surrounding mountains are 
incredible, as will be the weather.  Warm and very dry is the norm 
for that time of year, so plan to bring light clothes and drink 
plenty of water.

Conference attendees have the choice of staying in the dorms ($23-$33 
dollars a night) or the Guest House Hotel ($89 a night).  Both are 
very nice and an excellent bargain, and both are located in the same 
general area.

Salt Lake City is the perfect setting for the meeting.  It has 
developed into an incredibly cosmopolitan city with excellent dining 
and entertainment options.  It is surrounded by amazing natural 
beauty, and conference-goers will find that it is just as easy to 
take a short walk up the hill and onto hiking trails as it is to 
wander two blocks down the hill to the light rail station that will 
take them on a short ride into the heart of the city for only $2.25. 
 During our short stay in Salt Lake City in late March we had some of 
the best Mexican and Cajun food we have ever eaten, and we saw two 
great rock-and-roll performances at The State Room.  Regardless of 
whether you are drawn to the area for the mountains or for the city, 
Salt Lake City will not disappoint.

If you have not done so already, please complete your registration 
for the conference as soon as possible.  You can register for the 
meeting by going here:


Please note:  If, when you submitted your proposal, you selected 
registration type "Submit Abstract/Poster/Session Only" you will need 
to request that your registration type be changed.  This must be done 
by emailing our Conference Registration Coordinator, Carrie Grant at 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask], and requesting that 
your type be changed to Student Member, Regular/Emeritus Member, or 
Non-Member.  Regonline will not permit you to make this change 
yourself; you must contact Carrie via to switch registration type.

You can also use the conference website to learn more about the 
conference facilities and schedule.  We encourage all attendees to 
arrive by the afternoon of Sunday, July 10th.

Chris Young and Mark Largent
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
Program Committee

*** End of announcement

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         SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L Gregor Mendel

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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

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