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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 10:36:01 -0800
text/plain (147 lines)
Subject:  postdocs at Center for History of Recent Science
Date:  Thu, 19 Nov 1998 10:42:08 -0500
From:  Nathaniel Comfort <[log in to unmask]>
CC:  [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]

The Center for History of Recent Science, in the Department of History
at The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., is offering two
two-year postdoctoral fellowships to begin August 1999.

"Recent science" comprises lines of research in physical or biological
sciences that have been carried out for the most part by scientists who
are still living. In effect, that means research done since the second
world war. Work in history of recent science poses novel
historiographical problems, notably the use of interviews and their
integration with the more traditional materials of the historian.

Inquiries and letters of application should be sent by March 1, 1999 to
Horace Freeland Judson, Director of the Center for History of Recent
Science and Research Professor of History, The George Washington
University, Washington, DC 20052.

Application instructions are also available at:

Horace Freeland Judson
Center for History of Recent Science
George Washington University
telephone & facsimile: 410 889 4581
mailto:[log in to unmask]

Subject:  Re: N, E, and I Conference Details
Date:  Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:27:14 -0500 (EST)
From:  <[log in to unmask]>

Call for Papers

The Society for Indian Philosophy & Religion will hold an International
Interdisciplinary Conference in Calcutta 1-4 August, 2000. The
Conference theme is Language, Thought and Reality: Science, Religion and

The theme can be addressed critically, reflectively and creatively by
the philosophical, religious and scientific traditions of the World's
great civilizations.  The program will include plenary addresses,
volunteered papers, invited papers and panel discussions.  Registered
participants who are members of professional associations or societies
are encouraged to submit proposals for holding meetings in the
conference on behalf of their associations or societies.  The organizers
are committed to upholding the highest academic standards with emphasis
on the exchange of ideas and face to face dialogues among thinkers drawn
from a wide range of the world's cultural traditions and movements.

Some suggested topics: Knowledge and Reality, Appearance and Reality,
Alternative Logics, Relativity and Relativism, Relativism and
Absolutism, Moral Relativism, Ontological Relativism, Epistemological
Relativism, Cultural Relativism, Deconstructionism, Existential
Phenomenology, Culture and Meaning, Emptiness, Theories of Truth,
Theories of Meaning, Theories of Consciousness, Eternal Sound, Realism
and Idealism, Materialism and Spiritualism, Artificial Intelligence,
Cognitive Science, Transcendence and Immanence, Skepticism, Agnosticism,
Mysticism, Esotericism, Sociology of Religion, Science and Religion,
Science and Philosophy.

The Advisory Board comprises: Kisor K. Chakrabarti (USA), Willem Derde
(Belgium), Owen Flanagan (USA), Michael Ferejhon (USA), Jonardon Ganeri
(UK), Robert Goldman (USA), Michael Howard (USA), Gerald Larson (USA),
Chris Ross (Canada), Isaac Nevo (Israel), Leon Schlam (UK), Sukharanjan
Saha (India), Braj Sinha (Canada).

Program Committee: Guy Beck (USA), Anjan Dasgupta (India), Linda Bennet
Elder (USA), Devasish Mukherjee (India), Kim Vaz (USA), Peter Westbrook

Arrangements have been made for airline tickets at substantial discounts
and a seven-day trip inside India. Interested persons should contact the
organizers. Hotel reservations during the conference have also been
made.  Information will be available on-line at  Registration: The advance registration
fee for the conference is $80 and on site registration fee is $120.
Conference events are currently expected to include a reception and an
evening cultural program.

We welcome your participation and suggestion. If you would like to
contribute a paper to this event please send an abstract of about 150
words to:

Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
Elon College Campus Box 2336
Elon College, N.C. 27244, USA.
E-mail [log in to unmask]
Phone (336) 538-2705, Fax (336) 538-2627.

Deadline for proposals is April l, l999.

Subject:  CFP session on microscopy at ISHPSSB
Date:  Thu, 19 Nov 1998 15:08:13 +0100
From:  [log in to unmask] (Jutta Schickore)

Call for papers for a session proposed for ISHPSSB Meeting, July 1999

Organizers: Jutta Schickore & Judy Johns Schloegel

Disciplining Microscopic Practice

In this session we aim to examine the means by which microscopic
practices were established as reliable procedures for the study of
biological entities, and the implications of these practices for
conceptual and disciplinary developments in the life sciences.  We
welcome papers
concerning any period of the history of microscopy, and on any aspect or
aspects of observational, representational, and social practice in
microscopic investigations.

We propose to examine questions such as: how were particular preparative
techniques and representational methods accepted as informative? and
what technical, material, conceptual, disciplinary, aesthetic, or social
factors and priorities shaped these outcomes?  How did accounts and
images of microscopic entities come to be accepted as accurate? and how
were the meanings of these accounts and images negotiated?  And what
role did these practices play in the formation of disciplines in the
life sciences?

Paper abstracts should be received no later than December 31, 1998.  If
you are interested in contributing a paper to this session, please

Jutta Schickore
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Wilhelmstrasse 44
D-10117 Berlin
phone: +
email: [log in to unmask]


Judy Johns Schloegel
Avenue Parmentier 2A
B-1150 Brussels
phone: +32.2.771.0145
email: [log in to unmask]