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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 09:14:42 -0700
text/plain (92 lines)
3 Recent Messages

Date:  Mon, 29 Jun 1998 06:18:30 +0930
From:  "Nigel Cooper" <[log in to unmask]>

18-21 MARCH. Conference.
John Ray and his Successors: the clergyman as biologist
Braintree, Essex, UK
Organised by the John Ray Trust, the Institute of Biology's History
Committee, and the Society for the History of Natural History.
Keynote speakers: John Brooke "Wise men nowadays think otherwise",
Michael Reiss "On being a biologist and a cleric", plus others including
profs Paul Foster, Chris Smith, Sandy Baker, David Knight, Mark Seaward,
Edward Larson, Peter Bowler.
Registration before Jan1 is £90 (f/t students £30), accommodation etc
Bookings and details from Janet Turner, John Ray Trust, Town Hall
BRAINTREE, Essex, CM7 3YG. Tel (+44) 1376-557776; Fax -344345.

The Rev Nigel Cooper, Rector of Rivenhall
40 Church Road, Rivenhall, WITHAM,
Essex   CM8 3PQ Tel: (+44) 1376 511161
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Subject:  Crash
Date:  Tue, 30 Jun 1998 09:00:28 +0100
From:  [log in to unmask] (Paolo Palladino)

I am working with a group here in the Institute for Cultural Research on
the notion of the 'crash'. I think there is something interesting to say
the subject from the perspective of ecological modelling about the
normalisation of the unexpected etc... Does anyone have any thoughts
about, and references to, the historical origins of the term 'crash' to
describe the sudden collapse of a population?


Paolo Palladino
Department of History
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YG

W (01524) 592 793
H (01524) 847 489
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Date:  Tue, 30 Jun 1998 09:42:44 -0500
From:  Laura Janecek <[log in to unmask]>

Laura Janecek, Recording Secretary, ASM
[log in to unmask]
(803) 725-8213

Special Publications of the American Society of Mammalogists:
Seventy-five Years of Mammalogy (1919-1994)
Elmer C. Birney and Jerry R. Choate, Editors
1994     433 pages     hardbound     $50.00

Twenty-one chapters prepared by 41 contributors review the history of
the world's largest and oldest scientific society devoted to the study
of mammals (the American Society of Mammalogists), as well as the
development of the major subdisciplines of mammalogy.  This volume
serves not only as an interesting history of the development of an
important scientific society, but as a timely review of major research
in the field of mammalogy.

To order, please send your name, address, and check or money order,
payable to "American Society of Mammalogists" in U.S. currency, to:  Dr.
H. Duane Smith, Secretary-Treasurer, c/o Monte L. Bean Life Science
Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah  84602  USA.  If you wish
to charge your order to Mastercard or VISA, a $2.00 handling fee will be
added.  Please supply your account number and card expiration date.  All
orders must be prepaid.  Postage will be paid by ASM.  For a list of
other ASM publications, please contact Dr. Smith or visit the ASM

Christian C. Young
Assistant Professor
Department of History, Science, and Culture
Mt. Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon   97373
Summer phone:  (503) 245-6913 (H)
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