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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 12:17:29 -0800
text/plain (67 lines)
Additional sessions, as well as those already proposed can be found in
the forthcoming Newsletter.  Check the Society webpages for the latest
meeting information and session proposals!

Organizers:  Robert Olby and Larry Stern
Title/Topic:  Perspectives on the Study of Memory by Animal

This session is given to an analysis of selected attempts to explore the
nature of memory by animal experimentation in the 1960s, and to contrast
these with the recent work using knock-out gene technology.  The papers
will: (1) focus on the process whereby the early studies, now considered
largely invalid, were initially accommodated and subsequently rejected,
(2) discuss the criteria by which such episodes should be analyzed, (3)
using the knock-out gene memory work, reflect on the relation of recent
work to the studies of the 1960s.  Should the historian of the sixties
make use of the knowledge of the 90s in her/his analysis?

Contributors:  Robert Olby, "Hyden's Biochemistry of Memory —
Respectable Science?" Mark Rilling, "How the Media Treated McConnell's
Memory Transfer Experiments and the Promise of the Memory Pill, plus
some Echoes in Contemporary Neuroscience," Larry Stern, "The Reception
of Extraordinary Scientific Claims: Georges Ungar, Scotophobin, and the
Molecular Code for Memory," and Sylvia Culp, "Genes for Memory?  Surely
not a Replay of the 60s?"

Contact:  Robert Olby, e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Organizer:  Peter Taylor
Title/Topic:  Genes, Gestation, and Life Experiences: Perspectives on
the Social Environment in the Age of DNA

What meanings are given to the term "environment," and how have these
changed over time and in response to criticism?  What is measured and
what is explained?  What methodologies are employed for collecting data
and making inferences?  What is the status of the different sciences and
social sciences involved?  How are these colored by past and present
associations with political currents?  With these questions in mind,
this session aims to enrich scientific and popular discussion about the
contribution of the environment to the development of behavioral and
medical conditions over any individual's lifetime.

Some paper proposals have been submitted for this session, but more are
needed before the session's shape is clear.  Proposals that don't fit
the session as it emerges will be forwarded to the program organizer for
inclusion in other sessions.  Send paper proposals by December 20th.

Contact:  Peter Taylor, Program In Critical & Creative Thinking,
Graduate College of Education (Wheatley 2-143-09), University of
Massachusetts, Boston, MA   02125, USA; Phone:  (617) 287-7636; Fax:
(617) 287-7664;; e-mail:
[log in to unmask]
Christian C. Young
Associate Professor
Department of History, Science, and Culture
Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon   97373
Office phone:  (503) 845-3557
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"The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself."