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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 14:49:33 -0700
text/plain (99 lines)
If you have not received confirmation of your housing from the
University of Washington, please call the housing office at

(206) 543-7634

To get from the airport to the University, Keith Benson offers the
following advice:

        Welcome to Seattle for the ISHPSSB meeting in 1997!  Since many
of you may not be familiar with our fair city and with the
options from the airport, I am providing you with last-minute

        The meeting will be held on the campus of the University of
Washington in several of the classroom buildings and our housing will be
in the central housing cluster, located at the northeastern corner of
University.  None of the buildings have street addresses, since the
campus is self-contained and not continuous with the city's street
system.  However, you will be provided with maps at the registration

        To get to the University from the airport, there are several
options which I have arranged in order of cost (cheapest first!).

1.  METRO bus service:  The city of Seattle and the local county operate
a first-rate bus system that is inexpensive and reliable.  There are two
buses that offer direct service to downtown Seattle, #174 which makes
connections to downtown bus lines on Fourth Avenue and #194 which makes
connections to downtown bus lines in the bus tunnel.  Both leave from
South end of the terminal, directly outside of baggage claim.  The #194
is the best alternative of the two, since you will be required to
transfer in downtown Seattle to one of three bus lines that connect to
the University district, #71, 72, or 73.  All of these buses are direct
express buses and will deliver you to the heart of the University
district.  From here, you will have a short walk to the residence halls
McCarty, Haggett, or McMahon.  If you take bus #174, you will need to
transfer to a #70 on Fourth Avenue or walk one block west to the bus
tunner and transfer to the #71, 72, or 73.  The fare for the bus is .85
or 1.10 (rush hour rate).  When you pay at the airport, ask for a
transfer and this will cover the entire cost to the University.
        There is no trick to the bus and I recommend it to you.  Please
ask the driver for details if you have any questions.  The drivers are
all friendly and know the University area quite well.  The cross roads
for the University stop are University Avenue and 45th.  The residence
halls are located near 45th, but four blocks east of University Avenue.
Anyone you may encounter on campus will direct you to the correct

2.  GRAY LINE bus:  The Gray Line buses (626-6088) depart from either
north or south end of the terminal from the baggage claim area.  These
buses run directly from the airport to seven downtown Seattle hotels.
You will need to transfer to local buses in the downtown area, so I
recommend riding the bus to the Westin Hotel.  The Westlake bus terminal
is nearby and you may then take a #71, 72, or 73 directly to the
University.  The fare for the Gray Line bus is $7.50 one-way and 13.00
round trip.  Add the bus fare for Metro of .85 or 1.10 for the entire
cost of the trip.

3.  SHUTTLE EXPRESS:  The Shuttle Express (622-1424) offers
terminal-to-door service from the airport, either from the north or
end of baggage claim.  The driver will take you directly to the
halls on campus, McCarty, Haggett, or McMahon.  Just inform the Shuttle
Express that you are heading for the University of Washington and
the residence hall you have been assigned.  The fare is $21.00 per
if you are traveling alone or $28.00 for two.

4.  TAXI:  Taxis are available at the north end of the terminal.  The
fare to the University is approximately $35.00

5.  RENTAL CARS:  Rental cars are available on the baggage claim level.
This may be the best alternative if you plan to do some sight seeing.
But a word of warning:  traffic in Seattle is terrible and parking is
nearly impossible, so public transportation in the city is most

        Send me an email message if you have any additional questions.

        Keith Benson
        [log in to unmask]


Keith R. Benson
[log in to unmask]
206 543-9366 (HSS Office)
206 543-6358 (College Studies)
206 685-9544 (FAX)