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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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"Christian C. Young" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 09:37:34 -0500
text/plain (328 lines)
****ANNOUNCEMENTS (continued)


*Knowledge and Its Discontents:  Science, Expertise, Modernity
Conference Dates:  2-4 May 1997
Location:  Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Conference Topics:  A conference on expertise, organized with support from the
National Science Foundation.  Leading American and European scholars in the
field of science and technology studies will examine the changing social and
political meanings of expertise and its role in the making of modern culture.
The design of the conference is thoroughly interdisciplinary, with panels on the
following topics: Law, Science, Expertise (Margaret Berger, Sheila Jasanoff,
Martha Nussbaum); Modernity and Expertise (Yaron Ezrahi, Helga Nowotny, Theodore
Porter, Brian Wynne); Custom, Specialization and Skill (Harry Collins, Peter
Galison, Michael Lynch, Steven Shapin); Science, Self and Public (Wiebe Bijker,
Adele Clarke, Aant Elzinga, Steven Yearley); Science's Responsibilities to Its
Publics (John Beatty, Thomas Eisner, Evelyn Fox Keller, Peter Weingart).  In
conjunction with the conference, there will be a day-long workshop organized by
the Science and Technology Studies graduate students on Friday May 2nd.
Inquiries:  Lillian Isacks, Department of Science and Technology Studies, 726
University Avenue, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA; Telephone: (607)
255-6234; Fax:  (607) 255-0616; e-mail:  [log in to unmask];

*New Perspectives on Alexander von Humboldt
Conference Dates:  29-31 May 1997
Location:  Georg-August-Universit t, Gttingen, Germany
Conference Topics:  "Towards a Geography of Humboldt's Fame," "Humboldtian
Visualizations," and "Body, Gender, and Self-Experimentation."
Inquiries:  Professor Nicholaas Rupke, Humboldtallee 36, D-37073 Gttingen,
Germany; Telephone:  49-551-39-9006; Fax:  49-551-39-9554; e-mail:
[log in to unmask]

*Issues of Science and Technology in the 21st Century, Korean Science and
Technology Foundation (KOSEF)
Conference Dates:  1-7 June 1997
Location:  Seoul
Conference Topics:  KOSEF is drawing together an international cast of leading
specialists to explore issues of science and technology in the coming century.
The symposium is co-organized by the East-West Center, Honolulu.
Inquiries:  KOSEF Symposium, East-West Center, East-West Road, Honolulu, HI
96848, USA; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

*Second International Congress in Philosophy, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of
Conference Dates:  5-9 June 1997
Location:  Politechnical University of Gdansk, Poland
Conference Topics:  Origins of life, Individuation, Evolution of Types, The New
Critic of Reason and the Human Creative Condition
Inquiries:  Professor A-T. Tymieniecka, Program Director, World Phenomenology
Institute, 348 Payson Road, Belmont, MA   02178 USA

*29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of Behavioral
and Social Sciences
Conference Dates:  19-22 June 1997
Location:  University of Richmond, Richmond VA, USA
Conference Topics:  Behavioral and Social Sciences
Program submissions (symposia, papers and posters) that deal with any aspect of
the history of the behavioral and social sciences or with related
historiographical or methodological issues are welcome.  Submissions must be
postmarked by 1 February 1997.  Travel awards are available to students who
present papers or posters.  For further information contact John Carson, Cherion
Program Chair, Department of Science & Technology Studies, 632 Clark Hall,
Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853-2501.  Telephone: 607-255-6048; Fax:
607-255-6044; e-mail: [log in to unmask]

*Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Conference Dates:  22-26 June 1997
Location:  Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Inquiries:  Alan Leviton, Pacific Division AAAS, California Academy of Sciences,
San Francisco, CA   94118; Telephone:  (415) 752-1554

*German Society for the History and Philosophy of Biology (DGGTB) Sixth Annual
Conference Dates:  26-29 June 1997
Location:  University of Tuebingen, Germany
Conference Topics:  Ethics in the Life Sciences  History and Philosophy
Program submissions (including abstracts) are welcome and must be postmarked
January 31, 1997.  Inquiries:  Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Engels, Fakultaet fuer
Biologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Sigwartstr. 20, D-72076
Tuebingen; Fax:  49 7071 922 873; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

*Philfest 97
Conference Dates:  4-13 July 1997
Location:  University of Auckland, New Zealand
Conference Topics:  Four participating organizations include the Australasian
Association for Logic, Women in Philosophy, Australasian Association for
Philosophy, and Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Science.
Inquiries:  Philosophy Department, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,
Auckland, New Zealand; Phone:  64 9 3737 599 ext. 7491; Fax:  64 9 3737 408;
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

*20th International Congress of History of Science
Conference Dates:  20-26 July 1997
Location:  Lige, Belgium

*Fourth Gruter Institute Faculty Seminar
Conference Dates:  2-8 August 1997
Location:  Dartmouth College
Conference Topics:  Biological Perspectives in the Social Sciences and
Inquiries:  Ms. Suzanne Saxton, Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral
Research, c/o Department of Government, Silsby 6108, Dartmouth College, Hanover,
NH 03755-3514; Telephone:  (603) 646-1029; Fax:  (603) 646-2152; e-mail:
[log in to unmask]

Every attempt has been made to keep costs at a minimum. There will be a
registration fee ($200).   Single dormitory rooms, with shared bath, have been
reserved at Dartmouth College (rate: $35 per day with maid service).
Participants who so desire (particularly if coming with spouses or family) may,
however, arrange other accommodations in hotels or seasonal condominiums in the
Hanover area.  On campus parking ($3 per day) and access to Dartmouth's athletic
facilities ($3 per day) are available on request.   Participants will purchase
meals through the College dining services.  Opening and Closing dinners and
lunch each day will be served at the Seminar location in Rockefeller Center.
Breakfast and other meals available at the Dartmouth Dining Hall.

*First International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS '97)
Conference Dates:  11-15 August 1997
Location:  Lige, Belgium
Inquiries:  Dr. Ir. Daniel M. Dubois, Institute of Mathematics, University of
Lige, Avenue des Tilleuls, B-4000 Lige, Belgium; Fax:  32 4 366 9489; e-mail:
[log in to unmask]

*British Society for the History of Science
Conference Dates:  9-11 September 1997
Location:  University of Leeds
Conference Topics:  "History of Science as Public Culture."  The conference will
"explore ways in which the enterprise of history of science has functioned in
public culture and within academia, particularly in Britain during the past
fifty years."
Inquiries:  Dr. John Topham, Darwin College, Cambridge CB3 9EU UK

*Society for the History of Natural History
Conference Dates:  26-27 September 1997
Location:  Discovery Point, Dundee, Scotland
Conference Topics:  Maritime exploration.
Inquiries:  Mike Taylor, Perth Museum and Art Gallery, George Street, Perth PH1
5LB UK; Telephone:  44 01738 632 488

*Semiosis. Evolution. Energy.
Conference Dates:  17-19 October 1997.
Location:  Victoria College, University of Toronto
Conference Topics:  The purpose of the conference/colloquium is to explore
relations among the three terms of the title with a view to extending the
concept of the sign beyond its conventional meanings and to move the discipline
of semiotics into a fertile new territory.
Inquiries:  Dr. Edwina Taborsky, Telephone:  (819) 822-9600 ext. 2424; Fax:
(819) 822-9661; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

*Second International History of Philosophy of Science Conference
Conference Dates:  12-15 March 1998
Location:  Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, University of
Notre Dame
Conference Topics:  History of Philosophy of Science
Guidelines for Submissions:  Submissions of abstracts of papers of approximately
30 minutes' reading length, and of full panels of three to four papers will be
considered for the program.  Abstracts of individual paper submissions should be
between 250 and 500 words in length.  Panel proposals should include one panel
abstract, names and contact addresses of all participants, and abstracts of 250
words for each of  three to four papers.  All submissions should arrive by 1
September 1997.

Acknowledgment will be sent by 1 October.  Notification of acceptance of
submissions will be provided by 1 November.  Preferred format for all
submissions is plain ASCII text submitted by electronic mail to [log in to unmask]
(please note the "2") with "HOPOS Submission" in the subject line of the e-mail.
Other submissions should include three paper copies and one copy in plain ASCII
format on a 3.5" DOS diskette and be sent to:  Cassandra Pinnick, Department of
Philosophy, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY   42101

****Publications of Interest

**History of Psychology, a new scholarly journal, will begin quarterly
publication early in 1998.  It will be published by the American Psychological
Association for its Division of the History of Psychology, and will be edited
(through the year 2000) by Michael M. Sokal, Professor of History at the
Worcester Polytechnic Institute.  History of Psychology's editorial office will
operate with support from WPI, the American Psychological Association, and APA's
Division of the History of Psychology.

EDITORIAL POLICY:  The journal will serve as a forum for both psychologists and
other interested scholars for the full range of current ideas and approaches
pertaining to the relationship between history and psychology.  It will
primarily feature refereed scholarly articles dealing with specific issues,
areas, and/or individuals in the history of psychology.  It will also publish
papers in related areas such as historical psychology (the history of
consciousness and behavior), theory in psychology as it pertains to history,
historiography, biographical and autobiographical analysis, psychohistory, and
issues involved in teaching the history of psychology.

AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS:  Because the journal warmly welcomes submissions from both
the psychology and history communities, authors may choose for their manuscript
style either of two forms:  (1) that specified in the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association (4th edition); or (2) that of the University
of Chicago Press's A Manual of Style (14th edition).  If the latter style is
chosen, reference lists should be eliminated or incorporated into endnotes.  All
manuscripts require an abstract of approximately 100 to 120 words typed on a
separate sheet of paper at the beginning of the manuscript.  In order to assure
anonymous reviews, all author-identifying information should be excluded from
the body of the text.  Manuscripts must follow APA policies regarding language
and ethics, as spelled out in the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association .
Submit 4 copies of articles or direct inquiries to:
Michael M. Sokal, HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY, Department of Humanities and Arts, 100
Institute Road, Worcester, MA   01609-2280 U.S.A.; Telephone:  (508) 831-5712;
Fax:  (508) 831-5932; e-mail:  [log in to unmask]; WWW URL:


To join ISHPSSB or renew your membership fill out and return the form included
in this Newsletter or the one on the Society's Website:

Existing members need to renew if the mailing label on the most recent
newsletter has 1996 or earlier on the "Dues Paid Through 19xx" part. If you
think the information in the membership files is out of date (e-mail addresses
seem especially volatile), please provide the new information.

Graduate students qualify for a reduced membership fee  only US$ 5.  Emeritus
members pay no fee.  Otherwise a one-year regular membership is US$ 15; a
two-year membership is US$ 25.

All checks must be in US$; payment by Visa/Mastercard is welcome.  Credit card
payments can be sent electronically.  (As far as we understand this is
relatively safe  as safe as the postal service, maybe safer  since everything
is automatically encrypted.)  Receipts for payment will be sent out, but to
reduce administrative costs, this will be done only if requested.  If paying by
credit card, your monthly credit card statement should serve as your receipt.

Return the form to:  Barbara Horan, ISHPSSB, Philosophy/PO Box 8023, Georgia
Southern University, Statesboro, GA   30460-8023


Mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers for Council members
and for all committee chairs are given below.

Peter Taylor, Chair
ISHPSSB President 1995-1997
CCACC, 8 Bishop Place, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ   08903
Phone:  908-932-8678; Fax:  908-932-8683
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Barbara Horan
Philosophy/PO Box 8023
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA   30460-8023
Phone:  912 681-5874; Fax:  912 681-0653
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Elisabeth Lloyd
ISHPSSB President-Elect 1995-97
6350 Arlington Boulevard
Richmond CA   94805  USA
Phone:  510-642-4597; Fax:  510-642-4164
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Richard Burkhardt
ISHPSSB Past-President 1995-97
306 W. Vermont Street
Urbana, IL   61801  USA
Phone:  217-244-0922; Fax:  217-333-2563
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Robert C. Richardson
Program Chair, 1997 Meetings
Philosophy Department, ML 374
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH   45221  USA
Phone:  513-556-6327; Fax:  513-556-2939
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Ronald Rainger
ISHPSSB Treasurer
History Department
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX   79409  USA
Phone:  806-742-3744; Fax:  806-242-1060
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Keith R. Benson, Local Arrangements Coordinator
1997 Meeting
Medical History and Ethics/SB-20
University of Washington
Seattle, WA   98195  USA
Phone:  206-543-5447; Fax:  206-685-9544
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Chris Young, Newsletter Editor
History of Science and Technology
435 Walter Library
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN   55455
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]


ISHPSSB Listserv
Listserv Address: [log in to unmask] (Use this address only to subscribe
yourself to the list.)
List Address:  [log in to unmask]
Use this address to send mail to list members.


The next issue of the ISHPSSB newsletter will be published in Fall 1997.  Please
send submissions (preferably via e-mail) to the current editor, Chris Young, who
will forward them to the new editor to be selected by the Council during the
Seattle meetings.  Volunteers welcome  Contact Peter Taylor for more