From: Manoj Mohanan <[log in to unmask]>
A festschrift in Richard Levins' honor, "The Truth is in the Whole: A
Symposium in Celebration of the Unity and Dynamic Complexities of Life"
will take place in the Boston/Cambridge area from the afternoon of June 1
through the evening of June 3.
The program will address three general areas: I. Human ecology,
health, and agriculture; II. Mathematical approaches; and III. Philosophy,
history, and politics of science. There will be no concurrent sessions,
which imposes certain limits on the number of presentations, but we will do
our best to include all proposed talks in the program. We will provide a
time limit for presentations after receiving responses. The plan is to
publish the proceedings. If you would like to present a paper, please
submit an abstract to the above address (e-mail is fine) by March 15, 2000.
The festschrift will culminate in a banquet celebration.
We will be reserving a block of rooms in Boston-area hotel(s) as
well as inquiring about in-home accommodations. We will send accommodation
information to those who request it.
There are, of course, costs associated with organizing and holding
these events, some of which we must collect from you with your reply form
by mid-February. The cost for attendance of the presentation sessions is
estimated at $50 per person. Banquet tickets will be available for
purchase at a later date, after calculation of the costs involved. Please
contact us if you have financial constraints, as we are investigating ways
to help those for whom these charges are prohibitive.
Please return the registration form (available from
[log in to unmask]) with payment by February 15, 2000. We will be
in touch with those indicating interest after receiving these replies.
Until later, with appreciation,
Tamara Awerbuch, Manoj Mohanan, Rachel Nasca, Charlie Puccia, Katherine Yih