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Print Reply
"Christian C. Young" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 May 1997 22:35:20 -0500
text/plain (178 lines)
------------ Message 1 ------------

From: [log in to unmask] (peter taylor)
Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 08:19:23 -0400

Barbara Horan has resigned as secretary of the Society.  Until a new
secretary takes over the many functions Barbara handled, there may be
delays in replies to your inquiries and correspondence.  Until further
notice, direct such inquiries and correspondence to Peter Taylor,
[log in to unmask], 8 Bishop Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA.

------------ Message 2 ------------

From: Nathaniel Comfort <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 10:34:14 -0400
Subject: Room-sharing for Seattle meeting?

SDWMGS (Sleep-deprived white male graduate student) seeks roommate to
defray hotel costs at Seattle ISHPSSB meeting.  No preference as to race,
gender, or dissertation topic.  Conversation a strong possibility, though
not demanded.  All interested parties should contact, as soon as possible:
Nathaniel Comfort (mailto:[log in to unmask])

Nathaniel C. Comfort
mailto:[log in to unmask]

------------ Message 3 ------------
From: "Neil Haave" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 14:25:05 +0000
Subject: CFP: Generating Surprises -- The Post/Disciplinary Unive

Conference Announcement and Call for Papers


3rd International Conference
Sponsored by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts
(CIRLA) at Augustana University College

Thursday evening, May 7 through
Sunday noon, May 10, 1998
at The Banff Centre for Conferences, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Conference Web Site:

post- / pref.  1 the afterthought, the afterword.  2 what depends on the
already existing.  3 what looks back, what looks forward.  4 what is
refined from the old, what is reconstructed from the ruins.  5 the space
that is cleared for new possibilities.  6 that which is defined in terms
of another.

discipline / n.  1 a branch of instruction or learning.  2 research
programs.  3 regimes of truth.  4 methods leading to reliable knowledge.
5 curricula. 6 tradition.  7 privileged forms of knowledge.  8 home.

post-disciplinary / adj.  ?   (To be Investigated, May 1998, Banff)

The third CIRLA conference, to be held at the Banff Centre for
Conferences, will investigate the encounters, connections, reproductions,
and surprises that occur both within the university and between the
university and the community which it serves.  Are surprises possible
anymore in the university?  The three-day-long conversation will address
questions of post- disciplinarity through keynote speakers, panel
discussions, paper presentations, and informal contact.  A reception is
planned for the Thursday evening, with a dinner on Saturday evening, and
many surprises in between. The program will be planned so that
participants will have time to explore all that Banff has to offer.

Papers or abstracts may be submitted on any of the following topics
(NOTE: this list is not exhaustive, but is meant to give an idea of some
relevant issues. If you have an idea for a paper or session that is not
included here, please contact the director of CIRLA):

  What is society's responsibility toward the university?
  What is the university's responsibility toward its communities?
  What's the point?: Has liberal education been taken over by
  other interests?   The university and/as business
  Media(tion): The public face of the university
  Encounters between the university and government
The public intellectual: Romantic ideal, necessary evil, or...?

   Is there anything beyond the discipline? beyond the "inter-discipline"?
   Does interdisciplinarity become its own discipline?
   Beyond suspicion: (How) Can the sciences and the humanities get along?
   Who's in and who's out when it comes to interdisciplinarity?
   Whose tradition?: The place of diverse traditions and ways of knowing

   In defense of the discipline, or of interdisciplinarity
   Colonization 1: Disciplines in relation to other disciplines
   Colonization 2: Disciplines in relation to non-Western forms of
   Colonization 3: The feminist challenge to traditional ways of thinking
   Is the internet better than the classroom?
   Is the tradition of liberal education viable today?
   What kind of students do disciplines produce?

   Pedagogy: Beyond formulas and trends
   Implications of research into disciplinarity
   Administrative and structural innovations
   Cooperative ventures   discipline, community, nation

If you are willing to submit a paper or organize a symposium on one of
the above topics or on another one, please contact us.  For more
information, please contact:

       Bruce Janz, Director
       Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts
       c/o Chris Jensen McCloy
       Augustana University College
       4901-46 Ave., Camrose, Alberta CANADA T4V 2R3
           TEL: (403)679-1130; FAX: (403)679-1161
           email: [log in to unmask]
           WWW Site:

Information on submissions:

Deadline for abstracts, draft papers, or session proposals: November 15,

Notification of acceptance: February 1, 1998.

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Liberal Arts (CIRLA) was
founded in 1990 to promote dialogue about liberal arts university
education and interdisciplinary research and teaching. Based at Augustana
University College in Camrose, Alberta, CIRLA sponsors a number of

develop an understanding of what a liberal arts education is in its own
terms and in light of what liberal arts means for society as a whole
through discursive thinking.  We begin with the assumption that the
separate disciplines do not have to look for a common ground: insofar as
they are part of education, they already share this common ground.
_Dianoia_ is thus a forum for this already-shared and public aspect of our
separate disciplines.  Papers from this conference will be considered for
publication in _Dianoia_. _Dianoia_ website:

COLLOQUIUM SERIES.  CIRLA sponsors a colloquium series at Augustana
University College, designed to foster interdisciplinary dialogue.

CONFERENCES.  CIRLA'S previous conference, "Liberal Arts and the Future
of University Education," was held in May 1996 at the Banff Centre.  Over
100 people attended; keynote speakers were Dr. Peter Emberley and Dr.
Ursula Franklin. "Fragmentation and the Desire for Order/Unity" was held
in April 1993 at Augustana.  It brought together scholars from across
Canada and the United States.  Several of the conference papers were
published in _Dianoia_.

VISITING SCHOLARS.  CIRLA hosts visiting scholars for short visits at
AugustanaUniversity College each year.  Past scholars have been: Dr.
Gwynne Dyer (Public Affairs), 1994; Dr. Michael McDonald (Ethics), 1996;
Dr. Julie Lutz (Astronomy), 1996; Dr. Steven Ward (Journalism), 1997.

PUBLIC CONVERSATION.  CIRLA runs a weekly column ("Educated Guesses") in
the _Camrose Canadian_ newspaper.  It is designed to raise issues relevant
to the university and society.

site contains resources and links to issues relevant to university
education, liberal education, and interdisciplinarity. Discussion list:
CIRLA-L is an e-mail discussion group designed to discuss issues of
higher education, liberal arts, and interdisciplinarity, and also to
announce upcoming conferences, calls for papers, information on the CIRLA
conference, and other relevant events.  To sign on, send the message
"Subscribe" to [log in to unmask]

CIRLA is supported by PanCanadian Oil and Augustana University College.