Office of the Secretary:
Barbara Horan, ISHPSSB
Philosophy/PO Box 8023
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8023
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Spring 1997
Fifteenth Issue
(Volume 9, No. 1)
**From the President's Corner
Peter Taylor, President 1995-97
30 March 1997
Traditionally Ð I think we can use this term after 15 years of the Society and
its informal precursor group Ð ISHPSSB conferences are full of innovative
sessions, stimulating discussions, and openings for new participants. With the
contributions of members who proposed sessions, of Program Organizer Bob
Richardson and his committee, and of Keith Benson on local arrangements, the
Seattle meetings will continue the tradition. This newsletter includes the
provisional program and registration details we've been looking forward to. To
assist you in encouraging newcomers, the newsletter also includes a flyer and
membership form Ð please make copies and distribute in appropriate places. If
more information about the program is needed, the abstracts and revised versions
will be posted on the Society's Website in the next month or so.
Although the session topics cover a wide range of H, P, SS, and B concerns, I am
intrigued by the confluence of currents that make psychology, mind, self, and
agency prevalent themes in the program. Or is this only in my perception?
Explanatory hypotheses welcome.
Student travel grants
Unfortunately, the deadline for graduate student travel grant applications has
passed, so the Society cannot offer more help in this area. People who applied
will be informed about their funding by the end of April.
Because of the Society's current by-laws, the ballots cannot be sent out until
we are closer than 70 days to the meeting. If you do not get a ballot in mid-
to late-May, it may be because your membership is not current. Please take note
of the address label on this newsletter and respond quickly if you want to
remain enfranchised.
After the Seattle meetings I will, as past-president, be chair of the nominating
committee for the 1999 elections. So I welcome people letting me know of their
interest in helping with future program organizing, local arrangements, and
other Society offices. People interested in serving on the various committees
for '97-99, especially the Program Committee and the Newsletter/ Internet
Committee, should let me or Lisa Lloyd, the president-elect, know.
Rule and administrative changes
As ISHPSSB grows and develops, various administrative glitches and challenges
become apparent. Many of these can be dealt with by decisions of the council
(a.k.a. board of directors) and executive committee. Some, however, call for
changes in our formal by-laws. At the general meeting of the Society at
Seattle, the following rule changes will be proposed. The new text is
underlined; deleted text is in brackets.
ARTICLE II, 5. ANNUAL MEETING. After the end add "The annual meeting of the
Members may decide not to hold an annual meeting in the following year if a
conference of the Society is not to be held that year." At the moment, we
violate our by-laws in holding biennial general meetings.
ARTICLE II, 13. VOTING. "a mail ballot shall be sent to the entire Membership
of the Society no more than [seventy (70)] one hundred (100) days prior to the
Annual meeting." This change would allow us to mail ballots with the spring
newsletter prior to the conference.
shall consist of the immediate Past-President, who shall serve as its
Chairperson, [and such other Directors or officers of the Corporation] at least
one other Director or officer of the Corporation, and other Members of the
Society as the President shall appoint, which appointees shall be approved by
the Council. The Council, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors
entitled to vote, may establish other committees as it shall deem advisable.
The President shall appoint the Directors to serve on such committees, each of
which shall consist of two (2) or more Directors and other Members of the
Society." These changes ensure that two members of any committee other than the
executive are from the council, but the rest can be from the membership at
These rule changes will be moved and voted on at the general meeting, which will
be held on Friday, July 18th., starting at 5.30 p.m. at the conference in
Seattle. Other administrative changes, which do not require rule changes, but
which members may wish to discuss at general meeting, include the following:
1. The Past-President, as chair of the Nominations & Elections Committee, will
handle the elections, so that no one standing for office would be doing that
job. Members of that committee wanting to stand for office should arrange for a
nomination from the membership at large, not from the committee itself.
2. At the end of every quarter, the local arrangements coordinator will report
to the Executive Committee, as well as to the Local Arrangements & Site
Committee, on plans, progress or lack thereof.
3. At the end of every quarter, the program officer will report to the
Executive Committee, as well as to the Program Committee, on plans, progress or
lack thereof.
4. The Council decided to use some of the Society's funds to provide travel
grants for students presenting papers at the meetings. The Council also agreed
on two-tier registration fees, the lower level applying to students and members
from countries with disadvantageous exchange rates.
5. The Society now has the following committees: Executive Committee,
Nominations (& Elections) Committee, Local Arrangements & Site Selection
Committee, Program Committee, Prize Committee, Newsletter/Internet Committee,
By-laws Review Committee
Survey on transdisciplinarity
This survey aims to elicit material for a planned article on the significance of
transdisciplinary studies of science. What has transdisciplinarity meant for
people's work and careers? What has been the role of ISHPSSB in facilitating
that work? In order to gain a larger sample size, the survey will be included
with the registration packets. I welcome completed surveys and plan to process
them in the fall. It is expected that highlights of the survey will appear in
the ISHPSSB newsletter and be made available via the internet.
See you in Seattle,
Peter Taylor
****Notes on the 1997 Meeting
**Robert C. Richardson, Program Committee Chair
The 1997 meetings will be held from Wednesday, July 16th through Sunday, July
20th, 1997, in Seattle, Washington, USA. The preliminary program is included in
this Newsletter. For updates, consult the web site for the Society.
**Ron Rainger, Treasurer
Student travel awards will be announced by late April. Student travel awards
will be given out at the meeting; they will not be sent to awardees beforehand.
In other words, students will need to seek Ron out at the meeting in Seattle; he
will have their checks and will hand them out at that time.
**Keith R. Benson, Local Arrangements Committee Chair
The 1997 ISHPSSB Meeting will be held on the campus of the University of
Washington in Seattle. Registration and housing arrangements will be made at
the University's housing office, located in McCarty Hall on campus. See the
Housing Reservation form in this Newsletter. Additional material will be sent
to all registrants prior to the meeting.
The opening reception and the banquet will be held on the balcony level of
Hackett Hall, immediately adjacent to the housing for the meeting. Both events
will feature the wonders of the Northwest: hand-crafted ales, Northwest wines,
and salmon! The housing is located on campus and overlooks Lake Washington.
So, prepare to enjoy yourselves, socially, intellectually, and environmentally.
Information on local transportation including shuttles from the airport and
sight-seeing in Seattle will be sent out in June.
We look forward to a great meeting! See you in Seattle.
**Chris Young, Student Representative
The Meeting in Seattle promises to be a terrific event for graduate student
members of ISHPSSB. The program is loaded with presentations of innovative,
cutting-edge research by fellow graduate students and leading scholars alike.
In addition, the numerous scheduled receptions will undoubtedly give way to
virtually unlimited opportunities for socializing and exchanging ideas about
history, philosophy, social studies of science, biology, and whatever other
topics come to mind. Be prepared to talk about your own interests and research
and also to learn about the latest from new friends.
Graduate students will meet, tentatively Friday evening, to elect a new Student
Representative (since the end of my tenure draws closer with each dissertation
chapter I write). Duties of the Student Representative are minimal, but it is a
great way to get involved with a vibrant community of scholars. Send
nominations to me before the meeting.
Finally, prepare yourselves for an unforgettable weekend. Seattle is known for
its unique appeal, and Keith Benson knows how to highlight that appeal for a
wide variety of interests. Bring your appetite for the best the Pacific
Northwest has to offer!
****Notes on the 1999 Meeting
**From Ana Barahona Echeverria ([log in to unmask]), on behalf of the
Mexican "Committee" for the 1999 meeting (Carlos Lopez Beltran, Edna Maria
Suarez, Sergio Martinez)
We want to reassure ISHPSSB members that, due to the economic crisis in Mexico,
meetings there will not be as expensive as USA and Europe. Today, three-star
hotel rates are US $35 per night. This should compensate for any extra travel
expenses that people have getting to Mexico.
****ISHPSSB Website and Listserv
**From the Webmeister , Valerie Hardcastle
The official ISHPSSB Website is located at:
The web pages contain the latest newsletter, 1997 program information,
instructions for how to subscribe to our listserv, and links to additional
resources in science and technology. You can join ISHPSSB right over the web,
as well as participate in a survey on the impact ISHPSSB has had in your
professional life. You can access the site by typing the http address into any
web-browser (though Netscape is recommended for the graphics). Updated on a
regular basis, the site will soon include this newsletter, the 1997 program,
committee assignments, local arrangements for Seattle, and general news about
our society. Ideas for additional items to include are always welcome Ð please
forward them to Valerie Hardcastle; e-mail: [log in to unmask]
**From the Listmeister, Chris Young
We have established a moderated e-mail list, "listserv," for the Society. Any
member interested in receiving mailings on this listserv should "subscribe" to
the list by sending the following message:
SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L yourfirstname yourlastname
[log in to unmask]
By the way, the reason there is only one 'S' in our listserv name is because we
were limited to 8 characters.
Once you subscribe to the list, your name and e-mail address will be added to
the list and you will receive a verification. At that point, you can participate
in conversations on the e-mail list.
To send a message to all the people currently subscribed to the list, just send
mail to:
[log in to unmask]
The newsletter will also go out to the listserv. Every ISHPSSB member is
encouraged to subscribe to the e-mail list to enjoy more frequent and rapid
correspondence with other members. If you know other members who have not
subscribed, please encourage them to do so. Of course, an e-mail list should
not marginalize members whose internet access is limited, by location or by
choice. The Society will continue its regular mailings.
****Other Websites/e-mail Lists of Interest
**Horus Gets in Gear
Professor Ronald Tobey has put his student guide to the History of Science on
the World Wide Web. The guide is entitled Horus Gets in Gear: A Beginner's
Guide to Research in the History of Science. It can be found at:
Announcing the inauguration of H-SCI-MED-TECH, an electronic discussion list
intended for the growing number of scholars who study science, medicine and
technology across a wide variety of periods and regions of the world. Our aim
is to foster communication on these subjects within and across the disciplines
of history, the history of science, the history of medicine and the history of
technology, which have become distinct professional fields despite their obvious
(and not so obvious) interconnections.
H-SCI-MED-TECH is one of 80+ discussion lists in history and the humanities
sponsored by H-NET. Subscribers to will be able to share information about
teaching and research, to get news of professional activities (e.g., jobs,
conferences, fellowships and grants) and, most importantly, to participate in
conversations about matters of common interest: new methods, new questions and
new scholarship. The editors (Nina Lermann, Whitman College; Harry M. Marks,
Johns Hopkins University; and Kathryn Olesko, Georgetown University) welcome
your participation and views about what H-SCI-MED-TECH should be doing. To
subscribe, send the following message: "subscribe H-SCI-MED-TECH your name, your
institution" to: [log in to unmask]
**Science as Culture
The journal Science as Culture has an associated e-mail forum:
[log in to unmask]
To subscribe, send the following message "SUB SCIENCE-AS-CULTURE yourfirstname
yourlastname" to: [log in to unmask]
A web site associated with the journal and forum holds articles from back issues
of the journal, as well as submissions under consideration (not obligatory),
whose authors may benefit from constructive comments for purposes of revisions
before the hard copy is printed, as well as longer piece not suitable for the
e-mail format which forum members may wish to discuss:
**Philosophy Site
A new philosophy list of lists has been established at:
**Darwin Multimedia CD-ROM Available to ISHPSSB Members
Lightbinders and ISHPSSB are pleased to make the following exclusive offer to
teachers of Darwin, evolution, and the history to philosophy of science.
Lightbinders has recently finished the second edition of The Darwin Multimedia
CD-ROM, (list price $49.95, ISBN: 1-889175-01-3). This remarkable disk is an
integrated compilation of the major works of Charles Darwin: The Origin of
Species, The Voyage of the Beagle, The Descent of Man, The Expression of Emotion
in Man and Animals, The monograph on the Cirripedia, and The Structure and
Distribution of Coral Reefs. It also contains a selection of many of the
lesser-known works, which can be difficult for even to most devoted Darwinian to
obtain. Never before have these rare titles been presented together, let alone
integrated by extensive cross-reference hyperlinks.
Also included is the acclaimed Triumph of the Darwinian Method, written by
renowned Darwin expert (and ISHPSSB member) Dr. Michael T. Ghiselin, and a video
in which Sir David Attenborough narrates an appeal for the restoration and
preservation of Down House, Darwin's residence.
The Darwin 2nd Edition CD-ROM uses the multi-platform DynaText interface, which
has of extensive hyperlinks and advanced multimedia features. The sounds of many
animals, including the birds of the Galapagos, are accessible through audio
links. The maps and drawings of the original publications have been faithfully
retained, enhanced by the beautiful illustrations of the original specimens
collected by Darwin during his historic voyage. A description of the disc can
be seen at the Lightbinders web site (
Through ISHPSSB, we are offering free Darwin CD-ROMs to teachers who will
evaluate it for use in their classrooms. Interested teachers are asked to
provide their name, school, and relevant course, and the promise they will
consider the CD-ROM as course material. The time has come for sophisticated
technology to impact the classroom, and we want to encourage it with this
unusual offer. Educational discounts and network licensing are available.
To receive your free copy of the Darwin CD-ROM mail or fax a letter with your
name, address, e-mail address, school or university, and related course (name,
course number, when offered) to:
Pete Goldie, Ph.D., President, Lightbinders, Inc., 2325 Third Street Ð Suite
324, San Francisco, CA 94107; Fax: (415) 621-5898
You must sign and date your letter with the following statement:
"In order to receive an evaluation copy of the Darwin Multimedia CD-ROM, 2nd
Edition, I state that I am currently a teacher of a course that could benefit
from improved access to the works of Charles Darwin. I will examine the disc in
consideration of its applicability to my teaching and will consider the disc as
either recommended or required course material. I am under no obligations to
recommend, require or promote the disc. I promise not to use the evaluation
disc in the classroom, or as a source of material for the classroom, nor will I
transfer possession of the evaluation disc to any person or organization without
Lightbinders' approval."
**Member Subscription Rates
Biology and Philosophy and Journal of the History of Biology Available to
Members at Reduced Rates.
Subscriptions to these two journals published by Kluwer Academic Publishers are
available to members of our society at a reduced rate. The reduced rates for
1996 are:
Biology and Philosophy: US$ 70.00
Journal of the History of Biology: US$ 80.00
Society members interested in these special rates should send their subscription
orders and payments to: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Distribution Centre, PO Box
322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Members should include with their
subscription requests a statement that they are ISHPSSB members and are
requesting the member rate. The contact person in case of problems is Annie
Kuipers, Acquisition Editor, Humanities & Social Sciences Division, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Spuiboulevard 50, P.O. Box 17 3300 AA Dordrecht, The
Netherlands; Fax: +31(0)78-6392254; e-mail: [log in to unmask]
**Member Directories
Members are invited to request a copy of the ISHPSSB Directory by sending a
request to Barbara Horan, the Society secretary. The first copy is free.
Members who would like a second copy of the directory are asked to forward a
check for $3.00 payable to the Society to cover copying and mailing costs. The
directory is updated at the beginning of each year; members submitting requests
after February 1 will receive a copy of the latest directory.