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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Oct 2000 17:42:44 -0500
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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
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American Biology Teacher, the journal of the National Assoc. of Biology
Teachers, is seeking qualified reviewers in history, philosophy and social
studies of biology.  Reviewers will consider papers aimed primarily at
secondary and college biology instructors and be responsible for evaluating
content on "history and nature of science" or "science in personal and
social perspectives."  Prospective reviewers should be widely familiar with
the diversity of current approaches in their field (or science studies,
more generally) and be sensitive to appropriate simplifications for
educational contexts.

Please send your name and preferred areas to:  Douglas Allchin
([log in to unmask]), or 2005 Carroll Ave., St. Paul MN 55104.



Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 08:30:27 -0400
From: "Jane L. Lehr" <[log in to unmask]>

Virginia Tech-two STS faculty positions, tenure-track
Screening begins November 1, 2000

Virginia Tech announces two tenure-track appointments in Science and
Technology Studies (STS) at the Assistant Professor or early Associate
Professor level beginning August 10, 2001.  We seek applications from
scholars from a wide range of fields to complement existing strengths in
history, philosophy, and social studies of science and technology.  We are
looking especially for faculty working in contemporary areas, including
science and technology policy studies, politics and economics of science and
technology, ethics in science and technology, and science, technology, and
the public.  Successful candidates will contribute to Ph.D. tracks in
Politics and Policy Studies and/or Social and Cultural Studies.  Both
positions will be located at the University's main campus in Blacksburg.

Candidates should have the Ph.D. in hand by the date of appointment.
Candidates for assistant professor must demonstrate significant programs of
research, and candidates for associate professor must demonstrate
significant research accomplishments.  Also required is evidence of good
teaching and a commitment to working in an interdisciplinary environment.
For a more complete description of the positions, consult

The main teaching responsibilities will be in the STS Graduate Program and
the undergraduate program in Humanities, Science, and Technology (HST), with
the expectation of teaching in related programs and departments as
appropriate.  The hiring unit for this position is the Center for
Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS) in the College of Arts and Sciences.  The
STS Program is run jointly with the Departments of History, Philosophy,
Political Science, and Sociology.  The STS Program is also located at the
University's Northern Virginia Center in Falls Church, which is in the
northern Virginia/Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

Established in 1978, the HST Program offers nine courses, an undergraduate
concentration, and a degree option in Interdisciplinary Studies.
Established in 1986, the STS Program provides opportunities for students to
pursue the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees.  The Program has a strong record placing
26 Ph.D. recipients and 64 M.S. recipients in appropriate positions.  At
present, 44 students are in residence at the Blacksburg campus, and 28
students are at Falls Church.  Eight full-time and eight part-time CIS
faculty staff the STS Graduate Program together with 13 faculty from
History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology and six faculty from
other units.

Formed in 1995, CIS is comprised of a number of interdisciplinary programs,
including STS and HST as well as undergraduate programs in Black Studies,
Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, Judaic Studies, Religious Studies,
and Women's Studies.

Interested candidates should send a detailed letter of application, current
CV, recent writing sample, syllabi for courses taught or teaching portfolio
if available, and at least three letters of recommendation.  We will begin
screening applications on November 1, 2000 and continue until the positions
are filled.

The College of Arts and Sciences is deeply committed to recruiting,
selecting, promoting, and retaining women, persons of color, and persons
with disabilities.  We strongly value diversity in the college community,
and seek to assure equality in education and employment.  Individuals with
disabilities desiring accommodations in the application process should
notify the search committee chair (TTY: 1-800-828-1120) by the application

Please send applications to Gary Downey, Chair, STS Search Committee, Center
for Interdisciplinary Studies, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0227.
You may also call or write: 540-231-7615 (dept), 540-231-7013 (fax),
[log in to unmask]

Gary Downey
Professor, Science and Technology Studies
Mailing address: Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, 332 Lane Hall,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0227
Telephone: 540-231-4761(O, 540-231-7013 (fax), 540-231-7615 (dept)
Webpage for Engineering Cultures course:



Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 14:11:12 -0500
From: Sean Farrell Moran <[log in to unmask]>

Annoucement of position in the history of  Science and/or
Technology.  The department of history of Oakland University
invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in the
history of science and/or technology to begin September 2001.=20
Specialization in Modern Europe strongly preferred.  Requirements include
a Ph.D. with a clear research specialization in the history of science
and/or technology, teaching experience, and a record of scholarly
activity (including publications and/or presentations at professional
meetings).  The 3:2 teaching load will include survey courses in European
history, general education courses such as Science and Technology in
Western Culture, an undergraduate research course, as well as advanced
undergraduate and graduate courses in area of specialization. Send a
letter of application, c.v., official graduate degree transcript, and at
least three letters of recommendation to Farrell Moran, Chair,
Science and Technology Search Committee, Dept. Of History, Oakland
University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401.  For fullest consideration,
all items should be received by December 8, 2000.  Preliminary interviews
will be conducted at the annual AHA meeting. Oakland is an AA/EOE.

Sean Farrell Moran
Associate Professor
Department of History
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]



Date: 20 Sep 2000 09:08:03 U
From: Jochen Schneider <[log in to unmask]>

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin announces a
position for a

research fellow

(German scale of charges BAT IIa-Ost) for three years with the possibility
prolongation, within the transdisciplinary project "The Experimentalization
Life: Configurations of Science, Art, and Technology (1830-1930)" funded by
the VolkswagenStiftung.

The project investigates the emergence and dissemination of experimental
practices in the life sciences (physiology, psychology, etc.), and the
simultaneous process of experimentalization in literature, art, and

It will be carried out in cooperation with the Hermann von Helmholtz Center
for Culture and Technology at the Humboldt University Berlin, the Media
Faculty of Bauhaus-University at Weimar and the Program for the History and
Philosophy of Science at Stanford University.

We are looking for candidates with a background in cultural studies or media
history, whose work focuses on the dissemination of experimental techniques
literature, art, or technology. The successful candidate will be expected to
participate in the organization of project actvities, and in the project's
goal to make relevant sources and research results computer-accessible.

Outstanding scholars (Ph.D. awarded no earlier than 1995) are invited to
apply. Women are especially encouraged to apply. Qualifications being equal,
precedence will be given to candidates with disabilities.

Candidates are requested to send a curriculum vitae, publication list,
research prospectus (max. 1500 words), a writing sample (a chapter of the
dissertation or a published article) and two letters of recommendation no
later than

October 31, 2000

to the address given below.

In the same project the Max Planck Institute announces

doctoral fellowships

for a period of two and a half years (stipend for fellows from abroad: DM
1,800 to  2,100). We are looking for candidates with a background in history
of science, cultural studies, or media history. Besides the
experimentalization of life, possible research topics are, for example, the
relations between experimental phonetics and communication technology, the
evolution of forms for expressing and transmitting experiments in science
art. We welcome other proposals around the theme of experimentation on
science, art, literature, and technology.

Women are especially encouraged to apply. Qualifications being equal,
precedence will be given to candidates with disabilities. We expect that
fellows participate actively in the project activities.

Candidates are invited to send a curriculum vitae, a research proposal (max.
1000 words), and two references, no later than

October 31, 2000

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Verwaltung (Abt. III/ Exp.)
Wilhelmstr. 44,
10117 Berlin