The following information is also available on the web site
> Fifth Meeting of the
> Pittsburgh-Konstanz-
> Colloquium in the
> Philosophy of Science
> *****
> Limits of Science:
> Philosophical Problems
> in the Neurosciences
> University of Konstanz
> Konstanz, Germany
> May 26-29, 1999
> Wednesday, May 17
> 9:15 Opening Ceremony
> 9:30-11:00 Opening Lecture: Consciousness - A Neurological
> Perspective
> Speaker: Paul Schönle (Medicine, Kliniken Schmieder
> Allensbach and U. of Konstanz)
> Commentator: Peter Machamer (Hist. and Philos. Of
> Science, Pittsburgh)
> 11:00-1:00 Origin and Development of Neuroscience
> Speaker: Olaf Breidbach (History of Science, U. of Jena)
> Commentator: Claude Debru (Hist. of Medicine, U. of
> Strasbourg)
> 1:00 Lunch
> 2:30-4:00 Theory Structure in Neuroscience
> Speaker: Valerie Hardcastle (Philosophy, Virginia
> Tech, Blacksburg)
> Commentator: Peter McLaughlin (Philosophy, U. of Konstanz)
> 4:30-6:00 On the Nature of Explanation in the Neurosciences
> Speaker: Antti Revonsuo (Philosophy, U. of Turku)
> Commentator: Ansgar Beckermann (Philosophy, U. of
> Bielefeld)
> Thursday, May 27
> 9:30-11:00 Causality and Explanation in the Neurosciences
> Speaker: Thomas Metzinger (Philosophy, Hanse-Kolleg, U.
> of Bremen, U. of San Diego)
> Commentator: Wolfgang Spohn (Philosophy, U. of Konstanz)
> 11:30-13:00 Evidence and Types of Data
> Speaker: James Bogen (Philosophy, Pitzer College and
> Claremont Graduate School)
> Commentator: Robert Olby (History and Philosophy of
> Science, U. of Pittsburgh)
> 13:00 Lunch
> 2:30-4:00 The Explanatory Power and Limits of Simulation Models in the
> Neurosciences
> Speaker: Holk Cruse (Biology, U. of Bielefeld)
> Commentator: Klaus Mainzer (Philosophy, U. of Augsburg)
> 6:00 Evening Lecture: A Pragmatic Definition of the State of Being Conscious
> (Ernst Pöppel, Medical Psychology, U. of Munich)
> Friday, May 28
> 9:30-11:00 The Meanings of Computation and Its Importance to
> Neuroscience
> Speaker: Rick Grush (Philosophy, U. of Pittsburgh)
> Commentator: Bruce Buchanan (Computer Science, U. of
> Pittsburgh)
> 11:30-1:00 Extrapolation from Animal Models
> Speaker: Kenneth Schaffner (Medicine and Philosophy, George
> Washington University, Washington)
> Commentator: Juan Delius (Psychology, U. of Konstanz)
> 1:00 Lunch
> 2:00 Excursion
> Saturday, May 29
> 9:30-11:00 Discovering Mechanisms in Neuroscience
> Speakers: Carl Craver and Lindley Darden (Philosophy, U. of Maryland)
> Commentator: German Barrionuevo (Neuroscience, U. of
> Pittsburgh)
> 11:30-13:00 The Relationship between Neuro-Physiological Mechanisms and
> Cognition
> Speaker: William Bechtel (Philosophy, Washington University,
> St. Louis)
> Commentator: Charles Perfetti (Psychology, U. of Pittsburgh).
> 13:00 Closing Ceremony
> Lunch
> The Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science is the
> joint undertaking of the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University
> of Pittsburgh and the Zentrum Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie at the
> Universität Konstanz. The colloquium consists of a series of biennial
> international conferences that alternate between Konstanz and Pittsburgh.
> Generous financial support from the German Academic Council Foundation
> (Germany) and from the Harvey & Leslie Wagner Endowment (U.S.A.) is
> gratefully acknowledged.
> The conference fee is DM 130 and DM 80 for students respectively. Four
> lunches and refreshments are included.
> Deadline for registration is April 29, 1999.
> There will be an excursion to the charterhouse Ittingen, Switzerland,
> followed by a dinner, which are not included in the conference fee. The
> price (drinks not included) is DM 80 (DM 55 for students respectively).
> Those planning to attend are requested to register in advance.
> The conference will take place at:
> Hotel-Restaurant
> Waldhaus Jakob
> Eichhornstraße 84
> D-78464 Konstanz
> Tel. ++49-7531-81000
> Fax ++49-7531-810067
> (no individual booking)
> Further information:
> Prof. Gereon Wolters
> Universität Konstanz
> Zentrum Philosophie
> und Wissenschaftstheorie
> Fach D-15
> D-78457 Konstanz
> Tel. ++49-7531-882636
> -882745
> Fax ++49-7531-882502
> [log in to unmask]
> ---------------------------------
> Gereon Wolters
> Universitaet Konstanz
> FG Philosophie
> Fach D15
> D-78457 Konstanz
> Germany
> Tel. ++49-7531-882745 (office)
> Fax 882502
> Tel. 62661 (home)