Members and friends of the TRB Congestion Pricing Committee:
We are looking forward to seeing and interacting with you in a couple of weeks at the TRB 2012 Annual Conference. If you have registered for the Annual Meeting in January, you can gain access to the Interactive Preliminary Program at:
The web site has the most recent information on committee and subcommittee meetings, workshops, sessions and individual presentations. You can use the Interactive Preliminary Program to conduct searches by session title, paper title, keywords, author, and subject area to plan your personalized itinerary which includes meeting room names. I would particularly encourage you to participate in the events sponsored by our Committee and subcommittees. For your convenience, I have attached the following:
1) List of events sponsored by the Committee, including subcommittee meetings, Workshops, podium sessions and poster sessions;
2) Agenda for our full Committee
3) Agendas for our subcommittees
Committee and subcommittee members, friends and anyone interested are invited to join us at the LAURIOL PLAZA restaurant, Tuesday, January 24, 5:45pm. The restaurant is located at 1835 18th street NW, just a couple of blocks from the Hilton. This is the same restaurant that we ate at last year. Please ask for the Value Pricing Dinner when you arrive at the restaurant. A flyer with address is attached, additionally, a map may be downloaded from:,+washington+DC&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=38.920021,-77.038879&sspn=0.028448,0.054331&ie=UTF8&ll=38.912741,-77.0439&spn=0.00753,0.013583&z=16
See you at TRB in a couple of weeks!
David H. Ungemah
Senior Planning Manager, Professional Associate
Parsons Brinckerhoff
555 17th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
720.837-1522 (direct)
303.803.2319 (mobile) - NOTE NEW NUMBER
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