University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database Progress Report 137 - April 24, 2006 Thank you for your interest in the UM-BBD. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your subscription options, go to: - The pathway for the C1 cycle has been updated.[upathway-id:'C1cyc'] - Sol Resnick, The Dow Chemical Company, has been added to the UM-BBD International Scientific Advisory Board. - The Pathway Prediction System now colors all atoms in its compounds in black. This was a suggestion of the Third PredictBT Workshop, held Dec 1-2, 2005 in Brussels, Belgium; further workshop suggestions will be implemented as time permits. - All btrules have now been moved to the ChemAxon Reactor system. Rules have been examined and updated during the change, and more changes are planned. All btrule pages now show their pattern graphics. A list of all rules is available. - On the Useful Internet Resources page, a link was updated for the Agricultural Research Service Pesticide Properties Database, and a link was removed for Bioremediation Resources from the National Agricultural Library. If you have comments on any aspect of the UM-BBD, please let us know. Lynda Ellis <[log in to unmask]>