Well-Being Initiative Newsletter


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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: Well-Being Initiative Newsletter <[log in to unmask]>
From: Law Well-Being Initiative - WBI <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 08:54:29 -0500
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WBI Weekly Digest

Well-Being Wednesday

If you are taking the MPRE this week, you are doing to do great! Events and


   Saturday 11/06/2021, 9:30-11:15 am: WBI’s Raise the Woof Pawty.

      Stressed from the MPRE? Midterms? Memos? Life? Bring your dog to High
      Bridge Dog Park and take a break and socialize! Don’t have a dog?
      That’s fine! You can still come down and meet other people and more
      importantly pet their dogs!

      59 Randolph Ave, St Paul, MN 55102

   Sunday November 7, 10:00 AM: Weekly Walk

      Take a break and start your Sunday with a little nature at Theodore
      Wirth Regional Park. Join others and see what the twin cities has to

      3130 Glenwood Ave, Golden Valley, MN 55422

      To join or for more information contact JiJi Mielke [log in to unmask]
      or (214)793-5456

   Wake-Up Wednesdays, 8 am:Weekly Wednesday Wake Up and Move!

      Starting 11/03, Start your hump day with a little  light movement.

      Mondale Hall N20

      To join the or for more information contact Alex Jones
      [log in to unmask] or (330)442-1832

   Basketball: We have a group who plays basketball every Tuesday at the
   UMN’s Recwell!

      To join the discord or for more information contact Alex Jones
      [log in to unmask] or (330)442-1832

At-Home Challenge of the Week:https://youtu.be/uGREm7MCGeo

4 minute video showing how to make homemade salad dressing. Quick, cheap,
and environmentally friendly!
Personal Initiative

Looking for a therapist? Learn about the various types of mental health
professionals and types of treatments available.

Types of Mental Health Professionals

Types of Mental Health Treatments

Below are resources available to you!

Boynton Mental Health


   To schedule your first appointment, call 612-624-1444

   Offering in-person and telehealth

   Individual and couples therapy available (10-session-per-year limit for
   each type)

   Eating disorder services, ADD/ADHD treatment, alcohol and chemical
   health services, and group therapy available

Psychology Today Find a Therapist Search Tool


   Psychology Today is a great resource to find a therapist

   Filter by specific location, accepted insurance, specialty, issues, age,
   gender, sexuality, language spoken, ethnicity, faith, and more

Not interested in therapy, but just looking for someone to talk to?

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers <https://www.mnlcl.org>


   LCL offers resources on substance use and compulsive behaviors, mental
   illness, stress, and well-being

   Need assistance now? Call 651-646-5590 or 800-525-6466

      Available 24/7

   For 24-hour phone counseling, call Sand Creek
   <https://www.mnlcl.org/services/counseling/> at 651-430-3383 or

      If asked, say you were referred by LCL



 See someone growing a mustache this month who really shouldn’t be? Well
they are likely growing it in support of Movember. Movember is a yearly
event involving growing a mustache in the month of November to raise
awareness for Men’s Health, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and
men's mental health and suicide awareness.The Movember Organization has
funded over 1,250 projects and still going.

Want to donate? You can help by donating to a participant or directly to
the organization.

Want to get involved? Even if you can’t grow a mustache, Movember has many
different ways to get involved. You can “Move for Movember” by walking,
jogging, running or even crawling 60 miles through out the month for the 60
men across the world lost to suicide  every hour. There are events to
attend on the link above, or you can even create your own challenge!

Character & Fitness Bar Application

Are you worried about your application to the Bar? Disclosing mental health
issues or possible past mistakes? Just generally confused about it? Our
wonderful Professor Kim Ronning has been gracious enough to share a
recording of her presentation about this application. The first 20 minutes
are the background to understand the disclosure piece.


Advice Column

Any questions, concerns, or topics that you’d like some advice on, feel
free to submit them here
You’ll get real advice, and maybe some memes for your situation.

WBI has created a Resources Page on our website
<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/wbi/resources> where law students can
always go to find support.

UMN Law Well-Being Initiative
[log in to unmask]

READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE  <https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/wbi/home>


Annika Cushnyr - [log in to unmask]
Emily Moss - [log in to unmask]
Sarani Millican -  [log in to unmask]

Alex Jones - [log in to unmask]

Ali Casey - [log in to unmask]

Luke Srodulski -  [log in to unmask]


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