Well-Being Initiative Newsletter


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Sender: Well-Being Initiative Newsletter <[log in to unmask]>
From: Law Well-Being Initiative - WBI <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2023 11:33:13 -0600
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WBI Weekly Digest

Happy March!

Well-Being Wednesday


RESCHEDULED WBI & HLBA Networking Event with the Minnesota Disability Bar
Association & MSBA Health Law Section

Thursday, March 16th


Auerbach Commons

We are excited to announce that since our cancellation last week, we have
been able to team up with HLBA to co-host a networking event! The Health
Law & Bioethics Association (HLBA) and the Well-Being Initiative (WBI) are
hosting a networking event for law students to meet and learn from
practicing attorneys from the MSBA Health Law Section and the Minnesota
Disability Bar Association. Refreshments provided!

RSVP Here!

Quick Pick-Me-Up

We hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break! Whether you are travelling
far or staying close, we hope you can “log off” and enjoy your break.

If you are going to be in the Twin Cities area, here are a few events going
on next week:

March 1-11: TINA - The Tina Turner Musical at the Orpheum Theatre

March 1 - March 12: Blues for an Alabama Sky at the Guthrie Theatre

March 1 - March 6: Ice Castles at Long Lake Regional Park

March 4 - April 2: Born with Teeth at the Guthrie Theatre

March 4: Winter Market at the Mill City Museum

March 6:


   Afrokaribe Dance Fitness at My North Market

   Movie Night at Tom’s Watch Bar - Featuring Miracle

March 7:


   Minnesota Wild v. Calgary Flames - Xcel Engery Center

   Minnesota Timberwolves v. Philadelphia 76ers - Target Center

   Full Moon Hike at Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

March 9: All that Jazz Drag Show at Roxy’s Cabaret

March 10:


   National Geographic Live, a Symphony of Our World at Orchestra Hall

   One Direction v. 5 Seconds of Summer at Fine Line Music Cafe

   Open Mic Night at Comedy Corner Underground 7 Corners

   Minnesota Timberwolves v. Brooklyn Nets - Target Center

March 11: Richfield Farmers Market  at Veterans Park

Throughout Break: Gopher Sports <https://gophersports.com/calendar>
(baseball, basketball, hockey, gymnastics)

Be a tourist in your own city!

Minnesota History Center <https://www.mnhs.org/historycenter>

Science Museum of Minnesota  <https://new.smm.org/>

Minneapolis Institute of Art  <https://new.artsmia.org/>

James J. Hill House <https://www.mnhs.org/hillhouse> - A Gilded Age mansion
in St. Paul

Mill City Museum <https://www.mnhs.org/millcity>

Walker Art Center <https://walkerart.org/>

Como Park Conservatory <https://comozooconservatory.org/>

Mall of America & Nickelodeon Universe <https://www.mallofamerica.com/>


"Character and Fitness" Wellness Group

A student-run, safe, strictly confidential, judgment-free, casual support
group welcomes anyone struggling with substance use or who is in recovery.

Who: University of Minnesota law students struggling with substance use or
who are in recovery

What: Student-run, peer support group

When: Held every Friday at 12:30

Where: Mondale Hall

Hybrid meeting: Contact [log in to unmask] for room location, Zoom
info, support, or other inquiries.

Let’s Talk  <https://counseling.umn.edu/LetsTalk>


   What: Let’s Talk Counselor in Mondale Hall

   Who: Ms. Kifaya Bishop, Multicultural Counselor from Student Counseling

   When: Every Thursday from 1-3pm

   Where: N20 in the Wellness Room

   No appointment necessary. Drop in.

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers <https://www.mnlcl.org/>


   LCL offers resources on substance use and compulsive behaviors, mental
   illness, stress, and well-being

   LCL offers free counseling through Sand Creek for any issue that causes
   stress or distress.

   Support Groups <https://www.mnlcl.org/support-groups/#adhd_support>


   ADD/ADHD Support Group: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00pm
   via Zoom (Pre-Registration is required for this group. Email
   [log in to unmask])

   Well-Being Group: Thursdays 12:00-1:00 via Zoom


   Need assistance now? Call 651-646-5590 or 800-525-6466

   For 24-hour phone counseling, call Sand Creek
   <https://www.mnlcl.org/services/counseling/> at 651-430-3383 or
   888-243-5744 (If asked, say you were referred by LCL)

Boynton Mental Health


   To schedule your first appointment, call 612-624-1444

   Offering in-person and telehealth

   Individual and couples therapy available (10-session-per-year limit for
   each type)

   Eating disorder services, ADD/ADHD treatment, alcohol and chemical
   health services, and group therapy available

Looking for a Therapist?

Learn about the various types of mental health professionals and types of
treatments available.


   Types of Mental Health Professionals

   Types of Mental Health Treatments

Psychology Today Find a Therapist Search Tool


   Psychology Today is a great resource to find a therapist

   Filter by specific location, accepted insurance, specialty, issues, age,
   gender, sexuality, language spoken, ethnicity, faith, and more

Fast Tracker  <https://fasttrackermn.org/>


   Search tool for mental health and substance use disorder resources in

Crisis Resources <https://counseling.umn.edu/crisis-services>

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline


   Call 988

   Text ‘MN’ 741741

   Chat Online <https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/>

   Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis - dial 988

   Options for Deaf & Hard of Hearing - for TTY users: use your preferred
   relay service or dial 711 then 988.

   Veterans Crisis Line - dial 988 then press 1

   Call any time, for any reason

Sand Creek 24/7 Phone Counseling


   651-430-3383 or 888-243-5744

   If asked, say LCL referred you

NAMI Educational Courses

NAMI offers numerous educational courses for a wide variety of audiences,
all relating to mental health. Check out their current schedule to find a
course that looks interesting to you! (Practically all the courses are

WBI has created a Resources Page on our website
<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/wbi/resources> where law students can
always go to find support.

UMN Law Well-Being Initiative
[log in to unmask]

Are your friends interested in receiving this newsletter? They can sign up
here. <https://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=WBI-NEWSLETTER&A=1>

READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE  <https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/wbi/home>

Current Contacts

Alex Jones - [log in to unmask]

Ali Casey - [log in to unmask]

Luke Srodulski -  [log in to unmask]

Ray Mestad -  [log in to unmask]

Kayla Haeg -  [log in to unmask]


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