Well-Being Initiative Newsletter


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Wed, 18 Mar 2020 22:50:25 -0500
Law Well-Being Initiative - WBI <[log in to unmask]>
Law Well-Being Initiative - WBI <[log in to unmask]>
Assistant Dean of Students <[log in to unmask]>
Well-Being Initiative Newsletter <[log in to unmask]>
Hello all!

It goes without saying that this has been a stressful time for all, and we hope everyone has been able to stay safe and healthy in these wild times. We wanted to check in with some upcoming opportunities, events, and resources that may be useful! Check out today’s law council digest for other exciting things happening!

*A Note on “Attention Tracking” on Zoom
	Professors can see an indicator in the participant panel of a meeting or webinar if an attendee does not have Zoom "in focus” (meaning the Zoom app/meeting is open and active) for more than 30 seconds while someone is sharing a screen. So if a professor is sharing their screen to show a presentation, they are able to see when a student has clicked away from Zoom for more than 30 seconds. If a professor is just sharing video of themself, this feature won’t be activated.

*A Note on Mentorship Meetings
	If you’re a WBI member in a mentorship group, we strongly encourage you to continue meeting virtually, chatting over the phone, or at least keeping a robust group chat going. Social distancing is difficult for everyone, and this is one way we can all feel a little closer together.

Virtual Law Prom!
March 21st, 7:30-11:30pm
live.radioking.com/barristers-ball-2020 <http://live.radioking.com/barristers-ball-2020> 
	Tune in to bring the party to your home! There will be cheesy radio games, opportunities to give on the air shout-outs to your friends, and maybe even some surprise guests! Didn't buy a ticket to Barristers? No problem! This opportunity is open to all!

Pets of Mondale!
http://instagram.com/petsofmondale <http://instagram.com/petsofmondale>
	We're all getting to spend a lot more time with our pets right now, so share a pic! You can submit one here: https://tinyurl.com/mondalepets <https://tinyurl.com/mondalepets> 

Every Monday and Friday, 11:40-12:10
https://umn.zoom.us/j/594787490 <https://umn.zoom.us/j/594787490>
	WBI will continue hosting twice-weekly yoga via Zoom! Shantal Pai will lead us through a half hour of light yoga, which can now be done in pajamas from the comfort of your living room.

Virtual Movie Night!
March 28th, 7:30pm
https://umn.zoom.us/j/134208021 <https://umn.zoom.us/j/134208021>
	Join a livestream of Knives Out, with a livechat too! Popcorn strongly encouraged but not required.

Wellness Planning Workshop!
March 31st, 12:15-1:15
https://umn.zoom.us/j/376851250 <https://umn.zoom.us/j/376851250>
	Join Anna Lifson from Let’s Talk for a webinar workshop on how to make a personal wellness and well-being plan. While this is especially relevant now, these plans can also be broadly applicable to finals preparation, 

Causa Vitae Submissions!
Til March 27th
z.umn.edu/causavitae2020 <http://z.umn.edu/causavitae2020> 
In view of current circumstances, Causa Vitae is extending the submission deadline for their magazine, seeking works not only from students, but also faculty, staff, and others affiliated with our Law School community. Flex your creative side, and write, draw, paint, photograph or otherwise process these times. Share anything that can be expressed in a 2D form in our magazine. The theme is 'Migration', but it's open season on just about everything happening right now

UMN Law Mutual Aid Group!
tinyurl.com/UMNmutualaid <http://tinyurl.com/UMNmutualaid>
	Here's a place to organize needs and offers that our community has for each other. There are three pages:  ASKS: this is a place for you to say what you need, or amplify the needs of a neighbor. Please be thoughtful about how we can get help to the less tech-connected among us! Please remove asks as needs are met!  OFFERS: this is a place to proactively offer whatever resources you have -- an errand run, extra resources, hosting a virtual-hangout  IDEAS: this is a place to brainstorm what we can create together! How do we keep spirits up, stay connected, and help keep our neighborhoods safe. 

Virtual, Professional Counseling!
612-430-3383; 888-243-5744 (toll-free) www.sandcreekeap.com <http://www.sandcreekeap.com/> 
	LCL’s partner Sand Creek offers FREE virtual counseling appointments, and you can speak with a counselor 24/7 by calling Sand Creek directly. Go to www.sandcreekeap.com <http://www.sandcreekeap.com/> and click on “EAP WORK/LIFE PORTAL” to use or create your account. Use the Company Code “lawyers” when creating your account. 

CorePower Free Online Yoga!
https://www.corepoweryogaondemand.com/keep-up-your-practice <https://www.corepoweryogaondemand.com/keep-up-your-practice>

Headspace Free Meditations (and $10/year deal for students)!
https://www.headspace.com/covid-19 <https://www.headspace.com/covid-19>

Doctor on Demand at Boynton (if you have the student health plan)!
https://www.doctorondemand.com/bcbsmn <https://www.doctorondemand.com/bcbsmn>

COVID-19 Self-Care Guide for Law Students!
	A student at BU Law created this guide on how to keep ‘er movin, even when working from home.


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