Hi Tyler,
I spent 12 years working in IA/UX/content at agencies around town. I know a
number of people in the field. Would be happy to share some time if it's
helpful to your project.
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Tyler Bartel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Would anyone be able to recommend or share their experiences with
> (preferably local) UX consultants/agencies? I couldn't find anyone on
> campus who specializes in UX specifically, but some searching revealed Eaton
> Golden <http://eatongolden.com/>, an agency that lists the U of M as one
> of the institutions they've worked with.
> --
> Tyler Bartel
> Global Programs and Strategy Alliance
> University of Minnesota
> 150 University International Center
> 331 17th Ave SE
> Minneapolis, MN 55414
> (612) 256-2189
> [log in to unmask]
*Lee Thomas* | Associate Director | 612-626-6880
Social Media & Business Analytics
University of Minnesota