UofMN Web Standards


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Gabe Ormsby <[log in to unmask]>
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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 09:32:57 -0500
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I'm looking forward to our next year (and more.)

One quick correction: I work in the Office for Academic Administration,
University of Minnesota System, rather than the Provost's Office.


On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Dan Sagisser <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Ok, crazy subject aside, we have a cool change coming to the Web Standards
> group next year!
> Since Web Standards (formerly CSS-DEV) started, it's been run by one
> person at a time.  Previously Kris Layon, and for the last two years,
> myself.  The amount of time required to put this together presented
> problems for both of us.  So last year, working with the Web Standards
> Planning Group, a solution was found... have more than one person run the
> group!
> Starting next year, the Web Standards group will be run by a committee of
> three people who will be able to balance the time commitment more
> effectively.  The group will be run by a few awesome people who have all
> been very involved with the group over the last year.
> They are...
> *Gabe Ormsby* from the Provost's Office
> *Tony Thomas *from Student Unions & Activities
> *Wend Volkman *from Carlson School of Management
> I will put together the last meeting for this academic year, the May
> meeting, and from then on Wendy, Gabe, and Tony will be putting it all
> together!
> So please join me in congratulating and thanking them for taking on the
> leadership of the group!  I'm excited that we can all look forward to more
> opportunities to learn, network, and collaborate together across the
> University!
> --
> Dan Sagisser
> Information Architect and Project Manager
> College of Education and Human Development
> Phone: 612-626-1325
> www.cehd.umn.edu

Gabe Ormsby
Web Project Coordinator
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, University
of Minnesota System