UofMN Web Standards


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Sara Hurley <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Sep 2009 13:50:46 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
That's something I actually want to talk about sometime - one thing I've 
been concerned with as we do a redesign at SPH (getting us all on the 
same page, technology and design-wise) is that phones have such a range 
of support for how web pages are navigated and what they do, and from 
what I've tried on my corner of SPH in the past has looked good in some 
simple browsers (like on my truly awful phone), but is way too simple 
for an iPhone interface - and the mobile stylesheet in whatever form it 
exists in becomes the style sheet even for phones, like the iPhone, that 
do a great job of letting people browse the web as it exists for desktops.

Does this make any sense?  It's something I've been struggling with in 
my head - what the optimal compromise is for those style sheets.


Zachary Johnson wrote:
> If we're going to have a group meeting themed around Mobile Web I'd be 
> happy to go over some of my notes on making websites mobile friendly 
> through source code ordering that I talked about a bit two years ago 
> at MinneWebcon.
> Zach


Sara Hurley, MFA

Web Coordinator
Digital Learning Group (DLG)
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota