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Peter Wiringa <[log in to unmask]>
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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:01:26 -0600
text/plain (1690 bytes) , text/html (3801 bytes)

University Relations has just launched a mobile version of the University's
home page. We are in "soft launch" mode, meaning we're not automatically
redirecting incoming mobile devices to the site yet.

Links were carefully chosen to provide mobile users with the type of
information they want from the University in a mobile format, whenever

Icons link directly to the main mobile website for each unit except for the

   - Maps & Parking is a mash-up of Google maps and our interactive maps.
   The "Parking" part of the link is meant to indicate that people can find
   parking facilities on the map and is not a link to Parking and
   - Buses goes to a page that allows users to find campus shuttles via the
   PTS Next Bus system or to see MTC timetables.
   - Events & Calendars features feeds from the U's main Events Calendar,
   the Student Union and Activities calendar, Gopher Sports calendar, UMAA
   events calendar, and the Academic calendar.
   - Sports & Recreation allows users to choose from the mobile sites for
   Gopher Sports or Recreational Sports.
   - Email is not mobile friendly, but focus groups indicated this was
   still an important link to include.

During the soft launch, we'd like you to take a look at what we've built
and give us your feedback by using the feedback link at the bottom of the
mobile home page.

Access the new mobile home site here: http://m.umn.edu

UR Electronic Communications & New Media

Peter Wiringa
Electronic Communications/New Media
University Relations, University of Minnesota

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sharp, on the edge, where I gotta be." - V. Hanna