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Nate Sigrist <[log in to unmask]>
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UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 13:54:41 -0500
text/plain (1372 bytes) , text/html (2151 bytes)
I do believe that using an outside source like Flickr would conflict 
with the U's terms.  What do you do if their site goes down?  Also be 
cautious of who owns the content.  Some sites take ownership of whatever 
is uploaded.  Have you considered using a local PHP install of Gallery? 
http://gallery.menalto.com/  I'm sure there are other options.

*Nathaniel Sigrist*
Web Developer
Direct: 612-625-4118
Mobile: 651-399-3486
Email: [log in to unmask] 
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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Karoline Dehnhard wrote:
> Hello,
> If anyone has linked to Flickr I would be curious to know how. My 
> understanding is that they require that you either link to them using 
> a Flickr photo or Flickr badge (correct me if I am wrong). I also want 
> to know if there are rules about using a Flickr badge on a U of M site 
> since it is advertisement-like. Also, what exactly does "for personal 
> use" mean with regard to Flickr?
> I have many questions about other social media too! This would be a 
> good topic for a presentation.
> Karoline