UofMN Web Standards


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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Aaron Zirbes <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Apr 2012 11:50:41 -0500
UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
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bus.umn.edu seems nice and available.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:38 AM, David Peterson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I want to second Tony's comment. Use a shortened URL. This way you aren't
> dependent on a technology that many users may not have on their mobile
> device.
> Many savvy mobile users are likely apt to quickly type the URL either way.
> I would love this service and think it would be very valuable the the
> transit users, btw!
> Dave
> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Tony Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> I like this one a little better<http://keremerkan.net/qr-code-and-2d-code-generator/>because it allows you to export to SVG, which is scalable, so you could
>> make them as big as you need without losing resolution.
>> I recently attended a very interesting panel on QR codes and the takeaway
>> I can offer is to put a URL on the sign with the QR code. That does two
>> things:
>>    1. It offers some memorable form of recognition for who is providing
>>    the information.
>>    No one can remember anything about a QR code. A short URL w/ umn.eduat the end will indicate that it's a University service. Users may even
>>    remember it later.
>>    2. It offers an alternative to those who either aren't familiar with
>>    QR codes, don't want to go through the steps necessary to use them, or may
>>    be visually impaired.
>>    There are several actions necessary to scan a QR code. Stop, pull out
>>    the phone, find a third-party app (of which there are hundreds), take a
>>    photo or scan the code and hope that it properly decodes it and takes the
>>    user to the proper place. Some people (myself included) are willing to do
>>    that. A lot of people are not.
>> This is not meant to argue against using them. It's just information I
>> found helpful.
>> On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Darren Byrnes <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> **
>>> Would this help??
>>> http://qrcode.kaywa.com/
>>> Get the needed code, export and resize in a graphics program...or is
>>> that too simple??
>>> - Darren Byrnes
>>> On 4/3/12 10:45 AM, Jacqueline Brudlos wrote:
>>> Hello, everyone.  I'm a new member to this listserv (Thanks, Pete!) and
>>> I have a dilemma/question (I did try to search through the archive first,
>>> but didn't find anything to help me).
>>> Parking and Transportation Services is working to launch NextBus, a
>>> feature showing students/staff where all of the shuttle buses are in
>>> real-time.  See the whole system on your desktop computer, call a number at
>>> a particular bus stop and hear "next bus arrives in 2 minutes" OR scan the
>>> QR code and get info on your smartphone.
>>> Is anyone an expert on those QR codes?
>>> Admittedly, I'm completely in the dark on this technology/marketing tool
>>> (my phone doesn't even take pictures - that's how outdated I am - LOL).
>>> My plan was to work with the Sign Stop to revise the current signage at
>>> the campus shuttle stops - specifically adding a graphic overlay to each
>>> sign.  BUT these signs are typically 6-8 feet off the ground.  Upon further
>>> research online, it sounds to me like I'll need to make the barcode around
>>> 8 inches square.  Does anyone use these codes personally or professionally?
>>>  Does it work from a distance?  Does the code need to be THAT large?
>>> Based on what I found online today, it sounds to me that my plan to
>>> revise the current signage won't work.  I think I'm going to have to make a
>>> second 8.5x11 size sign.
>>> I'm just trying to not waste time/money on doing this wrong.  Does
>>> anyone have any advice for me?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jacqueline
>>> ===========
>>> Communications Manager  |  Parking and Transportation Services
>>> University of Minnesota
>>> 511 Washington Ave SE  |  300 TSB  |  Minneapolis, MN 55455
>>> 612-624-4161 (direct)  |  612-626-PARK (main)  |  612-624-8899 (fax)
>>> [log in to unmask]  |  www.umn.edu/pts
>> --
>> Tony Thomas
>> Web Developer
>> University of Minnesota
>> Student Unions & Activities
>> 300 Washington Ave SE, Ste 500
>> Minneapolis MN 55455
>> Direct: 612-626-9820
>> Fax:     612-624-7256
>> sua.umn.edu <http://www.sua.umn.edu>
> --
> David Peterson
> IT Professional
> Office of Institutional Research
> University of Minnesota
> http://www.oir.umn.edu
> 612-625-0914
> [log in to unmask]

Aaron J. Zirbes
Application, Systems and Security Engineer
Environmental Health Sciences | University of Minnesota
200 Oak St SE Suite
| [log in to unmask] | 612-625-5464