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Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------040300040408000009080607"
Sender: UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
From: "Jeremy J. Casper" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:16:09 -0500
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Reply-To: UofMN CSS Web Development <[log in to unmask]>
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For the September stats on the UofM home page they are:

IE - 52.84%
    IE6 - 12.66%
    IE7 - 27.05%
    IE8 - 13.13%
Firefox - 29.34%
    FF2 - 1.99%
    FF3.0 - 13.71%
    FF3.5 - 13.42 %
Safari - 15.24%
    Safari 2 - 0.06%
    Safari 3 - 3.84%
    Safari 4 - 10.91%
Chrome - 2.02%

_Operating Systems_
Windows - 79.13%
Mac OS X - 19.50%
Linux - 0.60%
iPod - 0.26%
iPhone - 0.34%
Android - 0.04%
Blackberry - 0.03%

Zachary Johnson wrote:
> Here are some of my browser stats, hopefully others will share. Data 
> is since September 1, 2009. Figures are percentages of total visits.
> iPhone 0.63%
> iPod 0.33%
> Android 0.07%
> BlackBerry 0.03%
> Firefox 43.71%
> IE 33.58%
> Safari 17.24%
> Chrome 4.40%
> Opera 0.50%
> Firefox 3.5+ 24.51%
> IE 8 11.47%
> IE 7 17.74%
> IE 6 4.36%
> Pretty interesting that IE6 and Chrome hold equal share.
> Another interesting fact is that Firefox 3.5 + Safari + Chrome = 
> roughly 46% of our visitors with cutting edge CSS3 support.