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Julian Kittelson-Aldred <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Jun 2012 16:37:07 -0500
text/plain (1451 bytes) , text/html (2706 bytes)
Hi Jim,

I know I'm really late responding to your request, but if it helps, here's
what I've been working on for the Office of Undergraduate Education:
http://undergrad.umn.edu/oue-new/ (that link will probably die within the
next 2 weeks once I launch the finished site). It's my first effort at a
responsive site. It's not quite done yet, so pardon some of my messy code.

- Julian

Julian Kittelson-Aldred

Web Designer/Developer
Office of the Senior Vice President
for Academic Administration, UMN System

110 Morrill Hall | 612.624.4545 | [log in to unmask]

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Jim Hart <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone-
> I'm working on a responsive header & footer for University sites, as well
> as some standards and guidelines, and templates where appropriate, that we
> can have available on the brand resources page in the coming months. I know
> there's at least a few of you that have been independently developing
> mobile/responsive sites.
> I'm hoping to collect together the various approaches to this that those
> of you working on it have taken, and synthesizing them into something we
> can make available for all. If you or someone in your unit has been working
> on something mobile/responsive, would you be willing to send me a link or
> package up some code for me if it's not accessible?
> I'll try to mention something about this at tomorrow's meeting as well.
> I'd love to see what's being worked on!
> Jim Hart
> University Relations