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"Aaron J. Zirbes" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 13:10:28 -0500
text/plain (1751 bytes) , ajz.vcf (329 bytes)
As an avid user of GIMP, I'll say that GIMP can _mostly_ read photoshop images.  I've had problems 
with about 5% of the .PSD files I've come across.  Gimp's native format is .XCF.

As far as finding the source of you problem, unfortunately I author images in the GIMP, and haven't 
ever used Photoshop.

If photoshop can save in an "older" compatable format, try that first.  GIMP is more likely to read 
older formatted PSD file than newer, as it's PSD support is primarily dependent on it's developers 
reverse-engineering PSD file.

As a site note:  If you are creating vector-based images ala illustrator, there is a common, open 
format save files in that is usable in any current vector based editor and that is SVG.

If your image doesn't have photos in it, or is not a pixel-based image, meaning it's lines, shapes, 
gradients, text, etc...  SVG is the way to go.  If you are editing actual photos, then photoshop, or 
the GIMP is better.

For an open source vector editing program, try Inkscape.  I do like it, but then again, I've never 
used illustrator.


Kathy Allen wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a discussion back in June on this list, a few folks thought it would 
> be nice to be able to use GIMP to edit images rather than Photoshop. In 
> my research into GIMP, it appeared that saving a layered Photoshop image 
> as a PDF would allow GIMP to open the PDF as a layered file.
> It's not working and I can't figure out why. I have a two-layer psd, one 
> layer is a solid color, the other layer is some text. I save as a 
> Photoshop PDF, open with GIMP, and the layers are gone.
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Kathy
> ____________________________________
> Kathy Allen
> Web Developer
> University Relations
> University of Minnesota
> 612-624-5808