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Craig Gjerdingen <[log in to unmask]>
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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Apr 2012 16:08:53 -0500
Carlson has a custom built events system that we use to run events, and 
event registration management.

Given so many of our events are free, we have not moved wholesale to a SaaS 
service. Given they want a fee for everything. 

- Charging by credit card on a single factor (usually we use time [early, normal, 
late registration], or seat type/location)
- Publishes events to events.umn.edu
- Our system allows for restricting the number of seats and seat types.
- Exports name of attendees for use as a check-in list or table name tags

When events get complicated, like running multiple tracks and pre-conference 
training and other a-la-carte payment needs we point people to CCE or out 
side vendor offerings.

But for the majority of our events 50 - 60 yearly events this system works fine.

We have tied it to publishing promotional events to the http://events.umn.edu 

We then make all of our events feeds (Web Site, Kiosks, Intranet) pull from the 
source feed from http://www.csom.umn.edu/events/

(see attached diagrams) 

It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.

I would be happy demo this if you wish.

If you're interested in the application, we could look at sharing. 

Here is a sequence of pages for an upcoming "Carlson - May 2012 First 
Tuesday  Event" to follow the flow of event publishing

Events UMN Promotional Page - https://events.umn.edu/May-2012-First-

Carlson School Events Listing Page - 

Carlson School Event Detail Page - 

Registration Page - 

Craig Gjerdingen

Also we have created a prototype, that would allow for all the tracks, sessions, 
pre & post conference stuff and charging by any and every option in the 
system. And some nice add-on's like a speaker/presenter section to upload 
media for sessions, and pre and post surveys for sessions and events.

But this would need to be a shared campus level development effort based on 
our prototype. (Would be seriously fun project, could be open sourced for all 
universities to use!) 

One last item, I know SalesForce.com is coming and I believe they have an 
event registration and management module in their suite of apps.