UofMN Web Standards


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Kristofer Layon <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:22:33 -0600
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MinneWebCon 2010 is three months from today, and we're pleased to  
announce that registration is now open!  Information about our two  
keynote presenters, Kristina Halvorson and Wendy Chisholm, is  
available on our web site.

Early registration pricing is effective through February 14, 2010:

* Standard: $175 ($200 after February 14)

* University of MN staff: $125 ($150 after February 14)

* Students: $75 ($100 after February 14)

U of M staff can pay with EFS, credit card, purchasing card, or check.

And if you are interested in presenting (or facilitating) a breakout  
session, please defer your registration — presenters and facilitators  
are not charged admission — and instead visit our proposal submittal  
form. Proposals are due February 5, and accepted proposals will be  
confirmed by the end of February.

For more information, and to register or submit a proposal, visit: http://www.minnewebcon.umn.edu/


Kris Layon
conference director + chair of planning committee
MinneWebCon: a continuing education conference for web professionals

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Kristofer D. Layon
Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration
612.624.4545  :  [log in to unmask]  :  http://blog.lib.umn.edu/layo0002/work/
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Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic Administration
University of Minnesota Twin Cities