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Jennie Lijewski <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:56:11 -0600
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Colleagues -

The next Examining eCommunications webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, 
February 22 at 10 a.m. This month's topic is - *Less Is More: Writing 
for the Web*.

Three years ago the Office of Information Technology (OIT) began a 
project to integrate its more than 110 separate websites into a single 
University-branded OIT site delivered with the UMContent content 
management system. The communications group designs and builds the site 
and edits content contributed by other OIT staff who have varied 
educational backgrounds, work cultures, and experience providing web 

Join Christina Goodland and Chris Moellering on February 22 to hear 
about the communications group's five good practices for web writing, 
discuss examples of writing on University of Minnesota websites, and 
share a your own ideas about how to write effectively for the web.

Registration is now open at:http://www1.umn.edu/brand/webinar/index.php.


P.S. I apologize to those of you who may be on multiple lists.


Jennie Lijewski

Associate Director

Electronic Communications

Office of University Relations

University of Minnesota

3 Morrill Hall

100 Church Street S.E.

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455


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umn.edu <http://www.umn.edu/>