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Tony Thomas <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:56:29 -0500
text/plain (2914 bytes) , text/html (7 kB)
I thought projecting it might be neat. It would definitely give those  
who don't yet have accounts an idea of how the whole thing works. I  
don't want to distract from the presenters, however. That being said,  
how many of us will be on Twitter anyway? ;-)

We could call it an experiment. If it doesn't prove useful we could  
make it an off-line post-presentation resource.

Perhaps the presenters should weigh in.

On Oct 22, 2009, at 9:54 AM, Sara Hurley wrote:

> I know that I am personally still kind of exploring it.  Maybe we  
> could do something on it in a couple months?   It doesn't seem like  
> there's much to talk about quite yet beyond functionality demos, but  
> that's not as interesting to me as possible uses when it's actually  
> launched.  (As we know, it's invite-only at this point).  I don't  
> know how Dave and Tony feel, but that's my personal take on it.
> Kristofer Layon wrote:
>> I think this is a fine idea --- maybe I'll be convinced that it's  
>> really useful.  =)
>> I thought Wave looked pretty overwhelming when I saw a demo a while  
>> back, so I haven't set aside any time to try it.  But clearly, it  
>> must be useful and I just need to understand it better.  Or, if  
>> it's not terribly useful, I also should understand that better too,  
>> beyond just one demo…
>> Looking forward to hear how the Wave users incorporate this into  
>> our web continuing ed process.  My main question is, do we want to  
>> project this on the second screen in 101 Walter during the meeting  
>> or is this more "off line" or post-meeting?
>> (and if we do project, would that be distracting?)
>> Kris
>> Kristofer D. Layon
>> Director of Web Design & Online Collaboration
>> 612.624.4545  :  [log in to unmask]  :  http://blog.lib.umn.edu/layo0002/work/
>> - - - - - -
>> Office of the Senior Vice President for System Academic  
>> Administration
>> University of Minnesota Twin Cities
>> http://www.academic.umn.edu/system/
>> On Oct 22, 2009, at 9:36 AM, Tony Thomas wrote:
>>> I'm not sure how many of us at the U have preview access to Google  
>>> Wave yet, but it might be interesting to try to set up a Wave for  
>>> the Web Dev meetings as a way to discuss the meeting topics and  
>>> follow up with resources, links & etc. from the presenters. There  
>>> may not be time to get it going today, but perhaps at a future  
>>> meeting.
>>> I've had the opportunity to use Wave for real-time collaboration  
>>> recently. It's handy, even if still a little buggy.
>>> My thought was one Wave per meeting. The Twin Cities Wave has been  
>>> fun, but has grown into monster. There's something to be said for  
>>> limiting the subject matter IMO.
> -- 
> --
> Sara Hurley, MFA
> 612-625-7709
> Web Coordinator
> http://cpheo.sph.umn.edu
> Digital Learning Group (DLG)
> School of Public Health
> University of Minnesota